Super rare anthias. Holanthias borbonius or Blotchy Anthias - any interest?


RC Sponsor
One of our suppliers has been getting in Super rare anthias. Holanthias borbonius or Blotchy Anthias. They already sold out this week, but will try and get more next week.

If anyone is interested, we can offer them as a dropship. They are in the 250-350 dollar range, so very expensive fish.

We could have some other items shipped as well, if you needed other fish, corals etc.

Check out picts at

Can you get me a juvenile or female solarensis wrasse? Noone else can but worth askin. Jeremy was supposed to be talking to the person I refer to as "Hawaii guy" about that and something else as part of a messup at last year's IMAC but I've sort of given up there and I don't know if he even got a response on the solarensis.