SUPER Ro System (Typhoon3, boost pump etc etc etc) For sale


Premium Member
I am selling a complete RO system with everything on the planet (Typhoon 3 RO unit , 75 GPH membrane, Built in TDS meter, Boost pump, regulator, solenoid valve, pressure switch, usage meter with auto shutoff and RO storage tank) the RO membrane has very little use on it. No filter inserts are included but they are cheap. I am asking $125 for the whole lot. Local pickup only DE/MD/NJ area Thanks for looking>>>>>>>>>>>>GEBC
Hey, nice to see you. Thanks once again for the skimmer, it's still working like a charm. Sweet set up you have for sale there. Really wish I had the extra $ to pick it up. I'm sure you'll sell it in no time though.
Thanks Gordonious, glad the skimmer is still kicking :) I keep going back and forth on maybe starting up a little nano. Thanks again for the kind comments>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jim K
DO IT!!! Jim, we gotta get you back in the hobby. Your tank was so sweet. I say this and I havn't even seen it, just heard about it for so long. If you set up a nano, I'll set you up with some frags. I could also bring over enough water to fill your tank(depending on size) to help cut down on the cycle time.
I dont know you, but through Ken(CaptKen) and Mike(alemab3), I know of your tanks and awesome DIY projects. I took pictures of some of the equiptment you sold to Mike to replicate myself.

ps what did you use for the top of your skimmer, calcium reactor and Kalk top off?



The back threaded piece.
Al, thanks for the comments on my tanks and diy stuff, I'm glad all those reactors are still kicking :) (tell Ken and Mike I said hi). As to the tops on the reactors, are you speaking of the black twist on caps? If you have other questions on my reactors feel free to ask. >>>Jim K
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Hey greeneyedblackcat, if you change your mind about the "local pickup only", please let me know. Thanks.

Hi Jim, Glad you are doing fine. That RO system with the booster pump seems like a great system for anyone on well water and low house pressure. Sounds like you still have stuff left over showing up during basement cleaning, remodeling .. is this the last item from your sump room?
Ken, I got tons of DIY stuff including my frozen food Autofeeder, if you need fittings,valves, pumps ,switches, chillers, and general gizmo stuff you are more than welcome to it. Nice to hear from you :) >>>>>Jim K
Hey Jim,

Sorry to post this so late. Had to take mine down as well :(. I'm not out either, just taking a hiatus for the next one ;).
I'm hoping the next one will be a 280# or so >:D

I'm now down in the Townsend/Middletown area now. If I get up that way anytime soon and your home I'll stop in for bit.

Dave, sorry you had to take it down. If you get up this way stop in, I am into hydroplanes now. Here is a picture of my latest project a homebuilt hydro.>>>>>>>>take care>>>>>Jim K
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Nice finish job on the hydroplane Jim! It makes my little half done home designed feather weight row boat look like a bunch of splinters. Is it stitch and glue plywood and fiberglass? That's what i'm working with, 1/4 inch AC fir and Clearcote Epoxy with 6 oz glass cloth. or are you using foam or balsa core, or even better, carbon fiber or kevlar? Varethaned or Awlgrip?

have you seen this site for plans and materials?

no plans for hydros, but lots of materials.

I would like to drop by and see your boat. maybe i'll get recharged to finish mine. It's 8' 6" long and 54" beam with a Vee hull. just right to fit in the back of the burban and close the doors. about 65 pounds when finished. just right for ponds and lakes.

Ken, the entire hull is made of 1708 fiberglass cloth laid up with vinylester resin, the inner bulkheads and the floor are plywood and laid up with west epoxy. the molds were borrowed from a famous boatbuilder. As to the finish it is Dupont imron and clear .This entire hull weighs only 600 lbs, it is 20 feet long and should be able to exceed 140 mph, powered by a 250hp merc outboard with a 250hp two stage nitrious system. It should fly. You are more than welcome to stop by and check it out.. Take care>>>>>>>>>>>>Jim K
Sweet hydroplane! I'm sooo jealous of some of the things your not just able to do, but do. I still want to drag you back in to the hobby.

This a part I wanted to ask if you had for automation type stuff, but I forget the name of it. It's like an electronic ball valve. Having a brain freeze...
I will get hold of you Jim and drop by. I still have your number to call. I'm sure you could make it lighter, but the hull does need some weight and length to balance the heavy 250 HP motor on the back. plus a well placed fuel tank. You know, you can build in wall reef tanks the same way, or with stitch and glue marine ply. glass cloth and epoxy.

So, When are the sea trials? Is she ready to go yet? I would like to see her go.

It is Jon from a while back, before the famous safe crackers. Often came over with my daughter who loved your cat and tank. Remember back then I asked you about boats because of how close you are to the water, and you said you don't boat. If you get out on the water, let me know, I have a 24ft Superboat powered by a 502ci engine. Doesn't do 140 mph, but hits an honest 75mph.

I too got out of the reefing when my 120 gallon crashed when I was away on a trip because of my heater failed on boiling everything. Been thinking about setting up a new tank, but just never got around to doing because I lost so many SPS corals.

Good to see you are still around.
