Supermarin 300 question


New member
I've been waiting for you to get new shipment but noticed your price jumped up $600 in last few days or so. It was $2100 with dc speedy 3 pump. Is price jump a mistake on website? and any info when shipment will arrive? Was told it was due awhile ago.
Here's the response back:

The original price you're asking about was for the Super Marin without the RD3 pump and hadn't been adjusted for euro to dollar exchange etc. Anyone that had orders already placed will get the old prices.

We are hoping the shipment arrives in 2 weeks or less, probably 50-60% of our shipment is already pre-sold though.
Some prices went down... the Double Cones are a little less, all the other prices were just very small changes. That SM300 was only one with a huge price change because it had the double whammy of not being adjusted when we switched to the Speedy DC pump, and the latest exchange rate.

Hope this clears up the strange price fluctuation!