supporting tank on uneven steel stand

Hello, I am installing a new 180 open top and open bottom tank in my kitchen. I have a custom made steel stand out of heavy wall steel H beam. My problem is there is a slight hump in the beams from all the welding. The left side of tank is flat on stand and center is flat on stand, but right side has almost an 1/8" gap. I put steel shims under it and filled 3/4 last night to test, but tank rest on first shim and still has a gap at corner. That cant be good. Any ideas???? I could just go around all gaps with wood cabinet wedge shims, until full contact???


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So the H beam is warped, or it sits high because of the weld bead? Also is it glass on the bottom, or is that a bottom frame?
I am the welder. My mfg shop made the stand. My shop manager and I knew we would have some distortion. We made the stand upside down with the main beams fixed to a flat weld table. We let it cool for 24 hours before detaching. The 2 main steel beams are 6 feet long. They have a very slight arch in the middle from heat distortion. So left side of tank 4 feet across sits dead flat. Right side has just under 1/8" air gap. Only way to get this heavy of a stand dead flat is on a large horizontal milling machine (Big money) after welding. I was planning on filling the gap with stainless steel shim stock until it touches the bottom frame of tank.
Yes the tank has bottom aluminum frame (Black), that sits directly on the steel stand. Some said put foam pad under entire tank. But that would not alleviate any. stress since it would compress more in high spots than low spots.
Here is a pic of the right side gap. Its closing good right now with 18 gauge ss strips and .025 strips on top.


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It has a frame, just shim it, I like the fiberglass shims that HD sells. 1/8 is pretty good considering the job. No foam needed if the bottom of the tank is not sitting on anything but the tank frame.

Nice tank by the way, would love to do some cooking in that kitchen!