Sure flow 1600 question? (100440897)


New member

I order the sure flow 1600.

The sureflow came with the small propeller installed in the rod.

How do I install the large propeller? Do i put it in the stock 1200 powerhead rod or the small propeller rod?

Also how does to take it the small propeller out of the rod?


P.S sorry if I post it here instead of email. As it is more easy to check on the web then my email box at work.

Thanks for the post, you should have two propellers that came with the upgrade kit, one that is white (larger) and another that is black (smaller) the black propeller should be the one with the rod in it.

What you’ll need to do is disassemble the bottom grommet with the white washer, by simply pulling the grommet off. Once you have removed the grommet the propeller and magnet will simply slide off.

Your next step would be to insert the steel rod thru the white propeller, make sure that the black grommet attached to the rod is located at the top of the propeller head, and then insert the magnet. Once you have the magnet properly inserted replace the white washer and the other black grommet to the other end of the steel rod.

Now you simply want to remove the cap and the stock impeller of your maxi-jet pump and replace it with your new propeller you just assembled. Once you replace the cap with the Sure Flow Shroud over the propeller, make sure that the rubber grommet fits in the top of the shroud cavity. This helps prevent the propeller form dislodging from the unit.

I hope this information is helpful. If you need further assistance please feel free to contact us at 1.800.566.3474

Best Regards


Marine Depot Customer Service