Surpise baby Octos. Now what?


We created a 55 gallon tank one month ago specifically for an octopus. The first 2 weeks she was very active. The last two weeks she went into hiding in the rocks. This morning we had a swarm of several hundred babies in the tank (confirmed under a scope).

I need some advice on how to give them the best survival odds please. I am not even sure what they eat.

lots of experts and captive breeders on i am sure it will depend on the species as to what size food they will need.
A few members have been successful raising large egged species (only to the second generation) but to my knowledge, no one has been able to raise small egged species. A reliable source for captive bred octopus would be wonderful. There are so many folks who would jump at the chance to get a hold of a young one myself included. Good luck, hope you are successful. The hobby needs people like you willing to experiment with raising them :)
plus one on the pictures

plus one on the pictures

what kind of octopus is it.
be cool if it was blue ringed octo>
Aren't the blue ringed highly poisonous? In that case i'd rather leave them for the ocean, no use in accidental deaths.
Quick update. The mother died after 7 days. We have been able to keep about 15 alive to date on cyclo and plankton. Hard to get pictures as they fry are very small.

From everything I have read we are lucky to have any alive right now and are not hopefull that they will survive another week.
Where did you get the octopus from? You should tell the vendor that yours died because it was pregnant, maybe they'd give you another, since the babies wont survive you kinda got screwed. o.O Get the proof now while the babies are still alive, try to get pics?
Right, I know. If you can keep them alive, more power to ya and it'd be a big advance for both the species and our hobby, but after having an octo die, and then a bunch more babies die I'd just be upset. Maybe that's just me. lol
Mother died on day 7. We had 3 babies live for 20 days and grew about 5-6 times birth size before dying. Very sad....