Survival of a cleaner shrimp with Flame Hawk


New member
I like the look and function of a cleaner shrimp, but the thing is I have Flame Hawk who is fed twice a day (actually tiny pieces of frozen shrimp)

I had a small peppermint shrimp which the the 2 of them lived in harmony right up to the point when the pep shrimp molted, then the Flame Hawk took a nice chunk out of him.

Does a cleaner shrimp have a better chance of it even worth it?
If they eat shrimp... its probably not worth it, no. Sometimes it depends on fish, but yours already demonstrated it will.
Lots of folks keep flame hawks with cleaner shrimp. The chances are better if the shrimp are big and added first, and of course there's always a chance, but it's very possible to keep them together.
Yeah, thanks guys. After my post, I read some other reviews about the same question. Many say they could live together for 5 minutes or 5 months, but eventually nature will take over and the temptation (even if he is full from eating) will take over.

Shrimp "expects" say all shrimp molt at least 1/month and the new skin is so fragile that they would have no chance at a carnivore like a Flame Hawkfish. More likely he would perish sooner than one month's time especially since the Hawkfish has been in the tank at least 6 months and already established his territory. It would be like putting a meaty-bone in front of a dog and expecting him NOT to at least take one bite.
Good choice!
While there is always the “one offs”, in the end, when opportunity arises, POOF, 30-50 buck gone, and that would.
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I have 1 cleaner and 1 coral banded, both added at different times, months after the Flame Hawk in a 200g...they have molted multiple times.
I have 1 cleaner and 1 coral banded, both added at different times, months after the Flame Hawk in a 200g...they have molted multiple times.

But you have a 200g and the OP has a 32g.
That could make a big dif on survival rates.
If you guys in the US are paying 15 bucks, then not too concerned.
In Canada, 1.5" fire shrimps run 40-50 bucks, skunks run 35-40, too expensive.
But your right, if the tank is big, that changes a lot of things.
In addition, size of shrimp may help as well, I have seen as small as .75" and mine, I have one of each at 3" now.