Swimming anemones, I had no idea!


New member
Whew, I went to the lfs and in their "show" tank, i saw something...a jellyfish mabe?!? NO! A swimming anemonie. Just like a aptasia but they can "swim" around the tank and attatch in different locations! The LFS owner guy said they came in on some LR and he was trying to get rid of them. I just thought they were soo cool tho! I never knew they existed. HUH. Something new learned everyday.

Ohh and he sold me the bluest blue ricordia florida for $20, single polyp. IT GLOWS!!! Its the bluest one I have ever seen. I cant post pics tho, :p because my digi cam doesnt work that great.

Anyone heard of the things before?
All anemones can move around the tank as they please. they usually just find a spot that they like and stay put.
That is cool. Was it the same species as in your link? Doesn't seem very common, is it considered safe for most reef tanks?
i think its just like a aptasia anemone. and no i dont think they are very common.,..the one at the LFS is the first time i have ever seen one. they were actualy in the process of taking it out of the tank and throwing it away when i was there. they said they were worse than aptasia.

it is the same species as in the like im 99.9% sure.