Switching salts

jarrett shark

New member
I never switch from reef cyrstal until i started doing reasearch on esv
how do i go about it without messing anything up
i know i have to check and maybe dose after my wc
i am going from reef cyrstal to esv
i dont know the coral will get stressed out from just stopping the rc at once..
Do i use half rc and half esv at first?
Whats your thoughts!!
I would just do your normal changes but using the new esv salt. I have changed salt a few times never had a problem
Switching from IO to ESV.

Just mixed up my first batch of it little while ago. Bit of a pain but if you follow the directions it's no biggie.

I would assume as with majority of things in this hobby - start on the slow side. Maybe not do a "regular" water change, do a smaller one over the course of a few weeks maybe. Especially considering you have an SPS dominated tank which seem to be the most sensitive of coral in general.

Just my $.02, of course I could be way off.. hopefully some one with experience can give some tips.
20+5 gallons. Switched right over from reef crystals. Didn't see any negative effects, only positive!
Some do a Mixture of the Salts to Soften the Effects of Different Parameters. You can do 70-30 then next time 50-50 and then 80-20 and this will give your Coral a chance to get used to the new salt slowley JMO
i think you better off doing it slow like posted ^.. are you planning on using the scoops it comes with or getting a scale to measure the levels. i hear that its better/more accurate to use a scale. thinking about getting one myself. for those that use scales to measure esv salt: how do you weigh everything. do you use the scoop it comes with and zero out the scooper and then weigh?
You can just use the salt it wont affect anything i switch salt like 20x and now use ESV and will never us anthing else . Never have to dose mag now alway at 1320 and mixing it is easy and it only take 10m and your ready to use . Reef cyrstal sucks I will never us IO Par are alway off using that salt.
Well the difference with ESV is you can controll your par so say you mag is to high so you just dont add the mag or add less of it the same with cal and alk other salts you cant do that.
Very True

Very True

Well the difference with ESV is you can controll your par so say you mag is to high so you just dont add the mag or add less of it the same with cal and alk other salts you cant do that.

Who makes this Salt and is it avaiable online from someone? I may like to try it for the Ability to control my KH as D&D Mixes just a little Higher than I like.
I have not heard of this salt Down here yet.