SYED's 200G Rimless Reef

Back Panel

Back Panel

so here we go....... today update.....

Back panel done.... Joseph is removing the paper on it..... it's quite bright...:thumbsup:

You can see the tank size. Joseph is near to it.

Sump design - Updated

Sump design - Updated

Updated sump design........ I have made some changes..... basic concept is still there....



Sump glass arrived.... 8mm normal glass.

Skimmer on place..... Return pumps are not that big like last time I used.

DC PUMP Adbaptor

DC PUMP Adbaptor

This is what I got with Reef Octopus Diablo DCS250-INT 10" IN-Sump Protein Skimmer with DC Pump.

Update rock cycling tank

Update rock cycling tank

Second water changed ..... Skimmer is doing well. Ammonia was little high before water change....

I will try to take some closeups to show you guys the small patches of Coraline algae...:spin3:

looks good so far.... where is the tank being assembled?
makes me want to build a new one hehehehe....see u didn't go for LED :)
looks good so far.... where is the tank being assembled?
makes me want to build a new one hehehehe....see u didn't go for LED :)

Oh is my man...... :artist:

Thanks Nick...... I am doing it in our Coral propagation farm. Cannot say extreme but part of my hobby.

You are most welcome to assemble your new tank there.


2 x 400watts Matel Halide :thumbsup:
Tank Second water Test

Tank Second water Test

Left Panel ...... I found very miner Bow on both side :mad:.... almost 0.5mm.........I don't thing it will cause any problem....:fun4:
