T5 a thing of the past :D

Hrm. I saw t6 fixtures on aquatraders and was wondering why in the world anyone would ever use T6, since the hobby just acceped T5 over previous generation VHOs (T12). I dunno. I wouldn't waste my time buying into T6 right now because noone carries the bulbs (or maybe even make them yet) and there are no fixtures for accessories for them yet, except aquatraders, who are of questionable reliability to begin with.
A double bulb configuration like that doesn't look very effective. It'd be interesting to see a PAR measurement on it.
Sorry for OT, but damn Chris2500DK, that's the ballinest avatar ever. You must have been touched by his noodley appendage.... :)
Never went the T5 path. Even with new setups I am sticking with T12. Just can't tear myself away from the URI bulbs. Always seemed like the best bang for my buck.
I just heard yesterday that URI is making bulbs for T5 now, and they've come out with the SuperActinics. I believe the first releases are trickling to the wholesalers now, soon to be in retail outlets soon (i hope!)

I know how many people have been waiting for URI to release their SuperActinic for T5 now. Heck I may switch to T5 when these new VHOs wear out.
URI SuperA's in T5? Now there is something I just may have to play with. Hope you can overdrive them with the Icecap.
URI bulbs have great ratings, but watch people getting fulled into switching to T6 vho, T5 are great bulbs, or MH, but the "NEW" thing will get more $$$ than the old way of lighting.
Steve, why are trying ruin my new high??? I cant afford another light switch! LOL

My new T5s are kicking @%$ and my corals like racermike's blue milli are coloring up great!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12150972#post12150972 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ghstrider
Steve, why are trying ruin my new high??? I cant afford another light switch! LOL

My new T5s are kicking @%$ and my corals like racermike's blue milli are coloring up great!
I knew it Eddie would read this heheeheheh thats for you not posting photos Eddie:beer:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12151537#post12151537 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gasman059
Hey Steve be a man- g0t Halides? lol
Halides, Mercury Vapor, T5,T6,T8,T12, Halogen, VHO, Compacts, too many to list These 4 fish tanks have been throu every type of light bulb you can imagine. All comes down to MH or T5, I am currently running T6 actinicks blue that I like.:smokin:
looking at the pick from the link it looks like a power compact bulb.....hmmmmm new misleading advertising?? to revive a dead horse?
just one of those thoughts
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12157456#post12157456 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by saltwaterfishlover
looking at the pick from the link it looks like a power compact bulb.....hmmmmm new misleading advertising?? to revive a dead horse?
just one of those thoughts
That was my exact thought, T6 were made to be replacements of T12, and T8 without having to change the ballast. Another words replace the old bulbs and keep the ballast. Now they are taking advantage and taking this to another level, its all sales $$$$ :D
from what i understand the fact that t5's bulbs being thin is what makes it so "powerful". what i mean by that is when you use parabloic reflectors the source of light is at the focal point of the parabola making the reflection from the light as efficient as possible, this is why they say use individual reflectors and because the bulbs are small diameter you can pack more into an aquarium hood. not to knock the t6, because i really have no prior experience with them, but if this photo is correct it looks as if the bulbs are joined making it impossible to have individual reflectors which would make the efficiency less.