table growth progression


Cnidaria lover
Team RC
Hi all, just wanted to share my humble growth progression of a pink table that I acquired in july shortly after resetting the tank due to losing the battle to AEFW.
Most wild collected sps tend to go through a month or so of dormancy before taking off for me, however this one immediately began to shoot off new branches, I have been quite pleased so far. Forgive the pic quality, smartphone camera.
anyways here it goes.

July 10th 2015

November 3 2015

December 15 2015

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No secrets, I think it's just that this species grows really fast, I think it's cythera or hyacinthurus. My other corals are growing, but not nearly at the rate of this piece.

Feed my fish 3x a day, dose KZ aminos, and this colony sits directly under a 12k reeflux DE bulb.
Wow, which KZ aminos?

KZ amino acid concentrate, 2 drops a day.

but again, I attribute the rapid growth to nothing other than its species being a rapid grower, like I said, I am getting good growth in other corals, but nothing like this one.
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Yes it is, here is mine in the middle, I believe the same species, one of my favorite. Did you ID-ed?

Yes it is, here is mine in the middle, I believe the same species, one of my favorite. Did you ID-ed?

I'm pretty sure mine is Acropora cynthera. it could be Acropora hyacinthurus but I doubt it because hyacinthurus branches usually are more stout, compact and don't taper as much like mine.

Pretty corals you have there friend
Thanks, now for more tooting my own horn. lolol

unidentified acro 1 month, also notice the color shift in the spathulata in the backround.


here is the spathulata, the color it's developed has blown my mind, not much growth though.
Tank was neglected pretty badly so the bubble algae had gotten out of control, but the pink table is getting pretty dang big, also its starting to form a second tier.

nice growth and tank shot, im battling some algae after not enough fish, figure i will let it run its course. I wonder how much nitrates and phosphates your corals eat a day.
nice growth and tank shot, im battling some algae after not enough fish, figure i will let it run its course. I wonder how much nitrates and phosphates your corals eat a day.

Not sure, I feed 3x a day (anthias) Nitrate stays around 4ppm phosphate is at a constant 0.
What I need to do is yank out the regular sailfin and replace him with a desjardin sailfin for the bubble algae. As well as devoting time each day to manually remove the bubbles or inject them with hydrogen peroxide.

For about 4 months I didn't do anything to that tank but feed, dose iodine and fill my ATO. Sometimes I think things like calcium reactors, ATOs, dosers and controllers can lead to LARS and neglect.

Certainly did in this case.
Hi all, just wanted to share my humble growth progression of a pink table that I acquired in july shortly after resetting the tank due to losing the battle to AEFW.
Most wild collected sps tend to go through a month or so of dormancy before taking off for me, however this one immediately began to shoot off new branches, I have been quite pleased so far. Forgive the pic quality, smartphone camera.
anyways here it goes.

July 10th 2015

November 3 2015

December 15 2015


June 2 2016

Trying to create basically a stair case on that side of the tank with table acros, the green one above it is just starting to take off. This pink one is cooperating quite well, looks like I will have a complete new "stair step" from it very soon. :bounce2:

When my SPS tank was at its peak, you literally could observe growth every single day....SPS tanks are fun as hell to watch grow.
When my SPS tank was at its peak, you literally could observe growth every single day....SPS tanks are fun as hell to watch grow.

Seeing new growth is one of the best parts of the hobby, anytime a new coral or frag starts to form a new "nub" I get giddy like a school girl :celeb2:

I really miss my A. spathulata pictured in post #12, it was really starting to color up, neglected the tank a bit and it wasn't having it at all, slowly STNed, tried fragging it, dang near broke my coral cutters A.spathulata is super super dense I found out. Frags didn't make it either :headwally:

Maybe Ill try one again someday.