Take a look at this mushroom....super nice


Hey Guys. Let me start out by saying I dont own this mushroom....its at my LFS and is quite expensive. I like though and Im thinking of buying it but being new to mushrooms have some questions...

How rare do you think it is?
How large would I expect a hairy mushroom like this to get per polyp?
Does this type of mushroom grow well in captivity?
How much do you think a single polyp would be worth? Sorry if this one isnt aloud but I just want to make sure that Im not way over spending since I dont have experience with expensive mushrooms.

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Its worth what you're willing to spend. I would definitely spend the money on that one. If the colors seem like they will stay even better. That would be the only thing I would be worried about. How much are they selling that thing for?

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That's a beauty for sure! Personally I would pay around $40 for a head of that shroom.
Well that is kinda discouraging....they want significantly more than that. Maybe it's not a good idea.

Than again pricing for this stuff is all over the board and as some people say its worth what you are willing to pay. Still I like to think Im getting a decent deal and that others would be willing to pay the same. IDK maybe its not meant to be.
I\'ve seen people pay some pretty outrageous prices on ebay(tie-dye mushroom for $285) and other online stores. If you love it, have to have it, and you can afford it, then get it. Its a pretty sweet mushroom! its just that most people are not willing to pay too much for mushrooms.
That is stunning! There is a fellow reefer in my area who has green hairy mushrooms and they've basically taken over his tank. Not sure if different color morphs grow at different rates (like zoas, etc), but I would buy that. Shrooms are very hardy and easily fragable, and if it grows well for you you could get your money back on it in the long run.
Never ask about a price on these boards unless you are ready to hear the neysayers (they can knock the wind out of your sails if you let them). If you say you got it for $1, someone will say you got ripped off as they got one for 50 cents. To most of us, this is a hobby and you buy things that you like and enjoy. It is a very nice looking shroom. Of course eveyone wants to feel they are getting a fair price. You can shop around on RC vendors and the internet to find compariables and develop a "fair range". If you find it is in that range, or even if is is higher, and you really think it would be perfect in your tank, and it is within your budget, life is short...bag it up and bring it home (before someone else does :) ). This is a hobby, it is suppose to be fun.....
If I had the money for it and it was near me I would buy it. Like others have said if you like it and can afford it than why not?
never seen that coloration pattern before. i have had several hairy mushrooms "melt" bc i didnt acclimate them to my lighting properly. just be sure you are careful with how you introduce into the system.
That looks pretty nice, much nicer than mine. Although the pic may be a tad photoshopped.

Same shroom, taken at night with a flash,