Taking out sand and replacing new sand?


New member
I am wanting to rip my tank apart and take out sand and replace it with new sand also spray rock with peroxide to kill this algae I have think its actually Lynghba (Cyano) it looks slimy.. Will this create a cycle? Danger? Now to try and get my fish out Clown, Lion and Angelfish may put them in 10 gallon tank temporary. Thoughts?
Replacing your sand and disinfecting your rock means you're basically starting over. So yes, it'll need to cycle. I'd probably put the lion fish in a separate tank/bucket or something. You could put one fish back in the tank, while cycling, as long as you stay on top of ammonia or nitrite spikes with water changes.
You can use chemi clean for the cyano. Remove and replace small amounts of sand weekly until replacement is done. No use stressing your fish out more than you have to.