Taking pictures - Very Blue - Example


New member
Hi Folks,

Anyone know how to take good pictures with overly blue Halides running? Every time I take a picture it shows up VERY VERY blue LOL. It looks fine in the room itself but I have tried different camera's and pretty much get the same effect


RAW will help, but even in JPG format you can adjust white balance post processing.

In the digital format the post processing is much more apparent than with film. Film shots often post processing was done by walmart when they developed your prints. Digital photos, you are required to do this... Well you should do this...

Look up white balance in your post processing software.. Lighhtroom, gimp, Photoshop are all examples...
Yes, if your camera supports it, set the camera to save in RAW file format. Then import the RAW file and set your white balance then.

Shooting reef tanks with high color temperature lighting is a specialty function in the photography world. Thus most point and shoots can't adjust the white balance reasonably to yield accurate colors when shooting under high color temperature lights.