Tampa thoughts on this weird relationship

Hey looks a bit too big to be eaten. I lost a clown to a green fuzzy mushroom but he was fairly small. My two clowns are areally fairly large and both host the same mushrooms and do fine.
Does the coral "attempt" to capture the clown? The clown I lost finally got caught, i used to watch them try to capture the clown. but I've never seen the mushrooms attempt to capture the current clowns.
Everyone seems to be happy. The only thing I've noticed is that the trachy doesn't keep its feeder "tentacles" out anymore. At least not today and this is the second time I've noticed the behavior. It started Thursday before I went on a trip and noticed today when I got back. The genial is doing it too but she is three or four times the size of the male so I wasn't worried about her.

I'm glad to know thy can live harmoniously! It gives a little something different to watch.

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