Tang attacking angel...help


New member
Hello all, I just got a bi-color angel and when I introduced him into my tank my kole tang began to attack him. I was able to catch the angel and isolate him in a mesh box. What do I do now? How can I get him in the tank so that the tang can adjust to him?

One more thing I tryed, I tryed putting the seaweed clip close to the mesh where the angel is so that tang can see him but the tang will no go toward the top of the water to graze the seaweed clip.

Any help please and thank you
Hello all, I just got a bi-color angel and when I introduced him into my tank my kole tang began to attack him. I was able to catch the angel and isolate him in a mesh box. What do I do now? How can I get him in the tank so that the tang can adjust to him?

One more thing I tryed, I tryed putting the seaweed clip close to the mesh where the angel is so that tang can see him but the tang will no go toward the top of the water to graze the seaweed clip.

Any help please and thank you

Just leave the angel in the container for a week or two and let them all get used to him.....dont pull anyone out yet, give it an acclimation period.....
Hi there
You could try putting a mirror on the side of the tank or even rearranging some of your rock work sometimes one of these things can help
I know Dr T and some of the other guys have acrylic acclimation tanks that you put into the tank so the fish can see and even smell each other (lol). They say it works wonders. What i find strange is that my Kole Tang is the last one to pick on a fish. I know each one can be different. Did you put the angel in your tank at night with lights off? That has always worked for me. I have heard when aclimating tangs that they even use pictures taped onto the glass to confuse the fish. Seemed to work for some others. GL...
I did put him in when the lights were off...but they were recently turned off and there was still light coming in from my dining room...I'm not sure if those things matter.
If he is in a container what's the lights matter just leave him in the container no one can bother anyone either way and let them get acclimated
I have a purple tang that I've had for 9 years. He will kill any fish I put in with in a week or so. Having a 150 gallon with 1 tang is kinda sad. I used the mirror method to no avail.

I finally got the advice to print several a pictures of purple tangs a little bigger than mine. Then tape them around the tank. Over time I have reduced the number on the tank and am now down to 4.

It worked great. He swims around the tank and the new larger purple (print) keeps him in line. I have since added a half dozed fish. He leaves them alone.

Good luck.
I have a purple tang that I've had for 9 years. He will kill any fish I put in with in a week or so. Having a 150 gallon with 1 tang is kinda sad. I used the mirror method to no avail.

I finally got the advice to print several a pictures of purple tangs a little bigger than mine. Then tape them around the tank. Over time I have reduced the number on the tank and am now down to 4.

It worked great. He swims around the tank and the new larger purple (print) keeps him in line. I have since added a half dozed fish. He leaves them alone.

Good luck.

That's great! I'm going to try that with my melanurus. He won't let me add any more wrasse.