Tang Recomendation

Well, i went to the lfs today, and low and behold they had just gotten in two OST. They were still floating in bags when i got there. Both looked real nice, so i picked my favorite of the two.

Wish me luck.

I will give the Chevron some thought as a potential third and final tang later down the line.

Thanks for everyone's opinions, i appreciate them.
Congrats :)

OST are stunning fish, especially when they reach a good size.

Chevrons have also gone down a lot in price since we bought ours :)
If you have the room- get a Dussumieri, they get really big, but magnificent creatures and not very aggressive.
Also I don't understand all these talk about adult chevron looking dull, I disagree. They do look dramatically different from juvi but the fine linear movement and the hidden shimmer in its silvery scale is stunning.
He is just starting to transition to adult coloration. Im hoping its a he, be "it" has some really nice light blue coloration on his forehead. Really nice looking fish. Same size as the other one that came in, but with way more vibrant coloration.
Tang Recomendation

I have an adult chevron, I don't particularly like how he looks when the whites come on (drab olive green, and bluish-brown markings) but when the blue spectrums are up on my LEDs, man that is one awesome looking fish. He's the only one my Sohal dislikes... Well, gives some problems with.

Since u like acanthurus, why not an orange shoulder tang?

NVM. I see you got an OST