New member
So in preparation for my solar install I purchased a generator to supply power to my 100gal tank. Pwer was only supposed to be off for 4-8 hours. Long story short, 36 hours later we got power back. During the outage, unbenounced to me, the electrition decided to plug his tools into my generator popping the breaker and not telling me. First day my yellow eye kole tang turned pale, then flame angel disappeared... Second day i pulled out my dead kole tang and noticed my purple psudochromi was missing. At this point i started setting back up my hospital tank and transplanting corals. Today female clown went belly up and the male is hiding in the rocks. All I have left is a 3 striped damsel now hiding and a pink spotted goby. This really sucks and i am at a loss for words. The time and effort I took to make sure my tank stayed flawless was for nothing due a jasckarse! Strange how one little thing sent a whole tank crashinto motion...