Tank crashed anyone need any thing?

Steve C.S.

New member
I know this isn't a classified but I wanted to let the local folks know what I have since I can't ship stuff. If this is a mistake someone please deleat it.

My tank crashed last week when it got low on water and my pump got jamed. Lost all my fish and most of my corals (lack of O2) I can't really afford to get things back up to par so I'm going to take a break and rethink things. I have a 7 month old 24" cube and stand in great shape. A mag 5 and sen 900(the sen is only 8 months old) a 250 mh retro, assortment of powerheads and heaters and such. The only live stock that made it was a 3.5"maxima, a few zoo's and shrooms and some xenia. There is about 75lbs of live rock and lots of feather caulerpa. Even my snails and most of my crabs died.

Guess I've been lucky, this is my first crash in 12 years. I might also be willing to trade for a small tank and set up I could put in my office and some cash.

I have talked to a few folks who are interested but I am trying to get as much as I can for it. If any one is interested I'll take $500. Give me a hollar at ochretoe@aol.com or call me at home at (901)876-5571 if interested.

if you were interested in seperating it out id like a price on the tank/stand. btw sorry to hear about the crash.<~~steve
If I parted it out I would take $300 for the stand and tank, $150 for the rock (60 plus lbs, one big rock has my maxima attached to it) $50 for the MH set up and 7 month old bulb, $100 for the maxima and big rock its on, and $100 for the assorted soft corals that made it(zoo's, shroom, cabbage coral,leather coral and some xenia. Again OBO would come into play alot. I just want to get some money back out. I know I will never get what its all worth. If you want you can call me at work at 876-5201. If a couple of folks are interested we could set up a day and do it all at once. If I can't sell it all I may set up a species tank or something that is less time consuming. I would also take a 6 or 12 gal nano setup in trade for some of the stuff. Thanks
interested in what kind of zoo's you have. feel free to pm me or post them here if theyre still available. i could come out this weekend if i see something that peaks my interest. thanks<~~steve
I'm interested in the MH. Shoot me a PM, I'll prolly head up with Steve, if he's going to pick up anything.
I am interested in the LR and zoos, shrooms and MH(if it still available). I can only pickup next week. I will call u tommorrow with details.