Tank Maintanance is tough...


Premium Member
...with a broken leg:( .

20 years of skiing and I never hurt myself seriously. Oh well one of these sports was bound to get me...

I don't have much of an agenda planned for this month's meeting. Anything people would like to discuss?
How did your accident happen? I've been on crutches a lot in my life (3 knee reconstructions, all from skiing) so I can feel your pain. I know it makes things tough in the classroom to. I hope all goes as well as possible for you.

Maybe at this next meeting we can discuss some ideas or what our next big event is going to be?
Hit some ice, Separated my skiis turned my right ski clockwise. Broke my tibia in two places, but luckily spared my ACL. Back to school on monday...can't wait.
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Sorry to hear of your accident. My brother went down boarding @ Windham 2 weeks ago. Samething, Ice!.. Broken arm and had to have surgery/ plates put in.. Seems to be a rough skiing & Boarding season. Bad wather and to much Ice.

I wouldn't know I skipped this season all together. Prolly a good thing;)

Take it easy, let it heal up nice.

Good luck
sorry to hear about your leg...do what they tell you and let heal ...and I hope they gave you something good for pain....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6927348#post6927348 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by upstatedave
sorry to hear about your leg...do what they tell you and let heal ...and I hope they gave you something good for pain....

Hydro codone The good stuff:bum:

Thanks again all
SO ! My beloved lill woman took it upon herself to mock me elsewhere in another forum we both belong to... ( "Mock My Man" posted by Somnovi) for falling in front of a bunch of fellow instructors during an invitational race.....

Today March 12th 2006 I raced in the MOUNTAIN DEW VERTICAL CHALLENGE Gate race (Giant Slallom style) at Jiminypeak.

I'm too damn sexxyyyyy on that board today!


I raced in place 182 out of 449 people on the GREEN COURSE (Right side) of the 360 run on Jiminypeak down to where it meets up with the 180 trail.

In my catagory I raced in the age bracket of 25-35 , and I took SILVER MEDAL with a time of 33.049 seconds. The man who actualy won the gold also turned in the single fastest time of the day on a board (a blistering 20.09 seconds) In which he was lucky to be the fourth person to run down the course and he was seriously a good gate running boarder, so I have my work cut out for me April 1, 2006 in New Hampshire ! He took home a seriously nice paperweight(trophy)that looked like a sculpture of a mountian with a snowboarder carving it up on it.

Pics to be posted soon, and the results should be up on www.snocountry.com or hopefully the Mountaindewchallenge site this week.

Ha-rah ! Feels good to be a winner and not a weiner for once.

* On a sad note, one of our instructors was free-riding after the race, and he apparently somehow got disoriented in some heavy fog/ Mist from warm weather and cool snow, and slammed into atree really REALLY hard. They took him to Berkshire Medical. What is weird is My Girlfriend and I had seen and talked to him like not even 12 minutes before he got into said accident.

Prayers for Alex B.

MATT, if you need help, you can always call, you know I have the experience to step in for you if you need a hand.
Damn dude, sorry to hear that. After dislocating and fracturing my shoulder, I decided I had enough of skiing. I've already done enough of it for 3 or 4 liftetimes anyway and figure I'm lucky to get away with that as my only major injury. Many of the older guys I raced with had at least 5 or 6 major injuries or surgeries to "brag" about.

I agree, better a bone than a ligament. Hope it heals up well!
Surprisingly the worst part of the ride was switching wheelchairs at St Mary's. By that time my knee was bigger than my thigh. No exaggeration.
Alex Died.

He was pronounced DOA.

The mountian is .............. eerie. A very somber tone today for sure. I found out lastnight when I called the Berkshire Medical Facility. He was 15, not 17 as I had previously misstated.

I asked the mountain staff to lower the flag to 1/2 mast today. they did. I was there as they did it, and took pics to give his family.