
Please add me to the list of condolences. But if you're not going to have the decency to go the low road and be wildly PO'ed over this kind of loss then I guess 'll just have to do it for you. :)
Your tank was a masterpiece and even the best reefers are trying to duplicate what you created years ago. Murphys Law find its way, but we'll all be eagerly anticipating what you can come with this time. Its a new beginning.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9567329#post9567329 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 64Ivy
Please add me to the list of condolences. But if you're not going to have the decency to go the low road and be wildly PO'ed over this kind of loss then I guess 'll just have to do it for you. :)

You know what really has me PO'd ? that nasty pocillopora that I've had buried in the back for ages.....he could of at least had the decency to go down with the ship. Instead, he just sits back there ....flipping me the bird.

I'll start replacing a few rocks next week and prepared for the resurrection......of course, I can't post pics in this forum anymore because....well....I don't have any sps anymore......wait.....maybe that pocillopora will count for something afterall.
Steve, do you think you may cook some of your live rock to decrease the built-up nutrients? Did your tank suffer from any pests, or algae woes?
"Instead, he just sits back there ....flipping me the bird."

LOL isn't that always the way.

I lost my tank just over a year ago. It stinks plain and simple, but you seem more level headed about it than me. I dis build it back better than ever. I only say this because everyone is buzzing about what you'll do next...:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9567582#post9567582 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Steve, do you think you may cook some of your live rock to decrease the built-up nutrients? Did your tank suffer from any pests, or algae woes?

I never had any algae issues to speak of....nor any pests (except a few red bugs on occassion). This was a pretty quick event and I feel that the carnage was mostly limited to the sps and ricordea. I don't feel that there was significant die-off from the rocks. I feel this way, mostly, from watching my redox....which reached a low 110.....but, is now up to 320 and climbing. The water is nearly clear again this afternoon and the survivors are starting to pick back up again. I did manage to get a proper water change done this morning....and of course, I have fresh poly pads, Rowa and carbon going. I'll watch the results carefully throughout this coming week.....but, I'm not expecting any serious algae outbreaks.....and certainly no need to cook the remaining rocks. I do need, however, to replace the six large rocks that I removed.
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I am so sorry to hear this. Your tank was the nicest tank i had ever seen . I will also be looking foward to the rebuilding of your tank.
Steve, I'm so sorry to hear about this. Your tank has truly been an inspiration for me in building my tanks. Good luck with the rebuilding and when you're ready for frags let me know, I'll send some your way.

omg steve... O M G.. im a little sick right now buddy. seriously.. i feel like a relative has died.. that is so horrible. Your tank was one of my all time favorites ever, and even more so since you were local.

im just speechless. i dont know what to say, or for that matter, anything to say to make you feel better.

at least you have a ton of club members that are willing to help in any way we can :D
That is terrible. I have been there, but I don't have what is fairly universally held as the nicest hobbiest tank in existance. I will be happy to send you frags whenever you are ready.
I would have to say I have used your tank as a bench mark of what the perfect tank is.

I'm so sorry to read of your losses.

Please keep us posted on how your recovery is going.

WOW Steve Im so sorry for your lost your tank was an inspiration to all of us in the hobby best of luck getting it back together.
Truely a tragedy in our reef keeping world. I have considered your reef the nicest home reef in the U.S. if not the world. I know of no better. I am actually giving a presentation at our local aquarium on home reefs and I have secretly included many pictures of your reef as the best example of what reef keepers aspire to. I am sure it will rise once again!

Thanks for being a great inspiration,

I am sure I have little to offer in terms of advice but I am always learning myself and thought that a 5 stage DI system like I have would have made 200 gallons in about 2 hours at most and is argueably as pure if not purer than most RO/DI systems.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9568737#post9568737 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jacob30

I am sure I have little to offer in terms of advice but I am always learning myself and thought that a 5 stage DI system like I have would have made 200 gallons in about 2 hours at most and is argueably as pure if not purer than most RO/DI systems.

Please elaborate. Never heard of such capacity in such a short time.
Very sorry to hear of this turn of events for your tank.

It seems as if with most things, in this hobby there are highs and lows. Kudos to you for seeing the silver lining even in the face of such losses.
Whenever you're ready to start over I'll be willing to help with a frag of your choice for free including shipping..."just let me know." Ben
Steve, I am really sorry to hear this!!! Your tank has been an inspiration to us all and just shows how fragile these systems can be. Enjoy your vacation and have fun with the bittersweet rebuilding of one of the nicest reef tanks I have ever seen.