
thanks for being man enough to post, many would be too embarrassed to say anything. this way we all learn from it.
I almost didn't....but, the tale needs to be told. The world isn't all puppies and butterflies after all.

That's what I keep thinking. Why not get a large water vessel like the ones we keep at the shop. They are tall, white, and have a screw on lid. Not too expensive{especially compared to what you had invested}They come in all sizes..100 gal...300 gal..whatever.
I do have one of those containers that I use to make up water for water changes....and I always leave it full for those watching my tank while I'm away. I guess I should have it full all the time now.

I'm waiting for the "April Fools" I can't believe it. Really Sorry Steve.
I wish it were April 1st

Just curious.. do you have any pics of the tank at its last stages? Wouldnt mind seeing what it has become over the yrs.
I might. I haven't been taking pics lately because of my planning to update my site this Spring......I guess I have a little more free time now.

The scary thing is that it happened to you.... the one who plans everything into every little detail....
The equipment and desgn performed flawlessly....now, if I could only find a way to protect against my own ineptitude.

Hmmmm, 840g of coldwater? That would sure be a lot of strawberrry anemonies
The thought did cross my mind.....but, I just can't. I will be tagging along this summer when Monterey Bay brings their boat up for a collection expedition. Apparently their using the owner of PCI as a guide.

Oh i forgot to ask, is your Anoplocapros Lenticularis ok?
He's been living in my cold water reef for the last two years....far away from the carnage.

It was so impressive, I feel so bad. You're a better man than me, I was depressed for days when mine went, but now I'm having fun rebuilding. Good luck.
I am really depressed....I keep hoping to wake up....but, what can I do ? dwelling on it won't bring the tank back. I can only learn from it and move forward.

Tanks again to the RC community for their kind sentiments during this ordeal. I really appreciate it. This morning, the tank is beginning to clear and the redox is 310 and climbing. There is still alot of skimming going on though. The carpet anemones seem better this morning...but, the RBTA's still aren't happy.
Steve, you don't know me from Adam, but me and ALOT of others know you. I have shown my children this tank, my wife, and many others who know nothing of reef keeping and they all can only say WOW as I have always done. You inspired me to do what I am doin now with a 450g.

You have inspired me and I have also had your tank as my wallpaper. I am so glad you are being strong about it and not giving up. This really sucks I know and has saddened me for you, I cannot fathom your loss, only try to understand.

Again, you don't know me, but you have inspired me from the build to the aquascape and the contents. Even the worm is well known. I feel bad for your loss and look forward to your rebuild, I just wish I had frags at the moment to donate along with the others.

Good luck and keep your attitude high.
3 pieces of sps

3 pieces of sps

so sorry to hear about your lost...,,i still have all 3 pieces you gave it to me 3 years ago,,all doing very well,,,when ever you want a piece of them back+ my Tamarind tort ,,,i give it to you ,,,yes ,,,,The Pheonix will rise from the ashes,,,,.cheer

What an incredible loss. I think everyone who has been in the hobby more than a few years has had a major meltdown of some sort. Most of us are "lucky" enough to have it happen in smaller tanks (been there, done that :( ). The thought of having it happen in a larger setting is oeverwhelming - your sump holds more than my three tanks combined!

I hope your remaining stock recovers and you find some "gems" in your tank (basically stuff that lived that you didn't know about).

Good luck,
wow still gasping, you don't know me either but your welcome to free frags from my tank when your ready.

Your tank has always and will always be an inspiration to reefers everywhere, keep your chin up and we all shall be waiting for the reef to rise again
just like everyone else im sorry for ur losses thats always one of my biggest fears is to have my tank perish.... i mean even though at times im so frustrated and kinda want a break no one wants that to happen.... and your tank was so very beautiful im sure u will get it back in that condition in no time!... as with everyone else im impressed with your high spirits....

u also dont know me personally but i would be willing to send u a large frag of every sps i have in my tank in order to help get ur tank back up and running again.... and of course no expenses to you, you have already been through enought and if i were in the same situation i would also like the help of my fellow reefers.

i have lots of different millis, cali tort, differnt stags, slimer, tenuis etc....

so please keep it in mind when the time comes just drop me a message

once again i know that you will make a huge comeback and your tank will be awesome once again!
I'm sorry to hear about your loss, if you want an frags when you get things going let me know...
Thanks Rich, I'll be in touch when things calm down

so sorry to hear about your lost...,,i still have all 3 pieces you gave it to me 3 years ago,,all doing very well,,,when ever you want a piece of them back+ my Tamarind tort ,,,i give it to you
Thanks Dang.....I still want to stop by and see your system. I drive right past you every month on my to diving in Puget Sound.

Once again....thanks to all on this board for their overwhelming generosity.
I'm also sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully some can learn from it. I wrote a several part article about how to avoid this type of disaster, hopefully more will read it.


From part II

Overflowing Skimmers

Malfunctioning skimmers often overflow, resulting in a large volume of water in the waste container. In systems relying on a main pump for circulation, this could result in a significant loss of water volume from the system, potentially stopping the tank's circulation as the main pump runs dry. Auto-shutoff waste containers can restrict the skimmer's outflow when the waste container is full, but even these devices are not foolproof, and can sometimes leak. I have begun putting my skimmate waste container into my sump. In the worst case, if the skimmer overflows and the auto-shutoff fails, some skimmate will flow back into the tank. Skimmate flowing back into the tank is certainly not a good thing, but the alternative, losing the tank's circulation, and consequently some livestock, seems much worse to me.
Dear Steve,

Im sorry to hear of your tank's mishap. it mustve taken you a long time and lots of care and dedication to get your reef this far, not to mention the money you mustve pumped in. my sincere condolences.

if its any consolation, your reef has always been an inspiration to me, even if i keep a system far smaller in scale and grandeur. I guess the panic button exists in all of us to overreact- i know i have pressed that button to ill effect countless times. do take heart that all your fish are still with you though ya. i shall look forward to seeing the rejuvenation of your system.


shall look forward to your reef's rejuvenation.
Wow...even during this tragedy you're an inspiration by taking this like a man. I can only imagine how you’re feeling right now by having experienced what all of us reefers fear the most. Take pride in how your tank inspired us all and how your new tank will inspire many to come. My condolences.
I'm so sorry to hear of the crash. Your tank has always been an inspiration, and I consider it the finest example of hobbyist reefkeeping I've seen.
Steve - I also join the sentiments of everyone here on my sorrow of hearing of the loss of your tank. Your tank has always been an inspiration to me and my family ... as others have said, out of the ashes of this, I am sure a new and better tank will be reborn. I have an in sump skimmer now but was thinking about upgrading to recirculating at some point. I'll have to make sure that I figure out a contingency plan for when it overflows - the idea about putting the waste container in the sump is a good one. I'm grateful for the opportunity once again to learn from others' mistakes. Again, our thoughts are with you during this time.

Way to look on the bright side of things - you are a good sport. We all look forward to watching that monster of a reef grow up again.
I'm not sure what is more inspiring, your tank or your amazing attitude despite your loss. Invaluable lessons for us all.

Best of luck and I can't wait to be amazed again by the next incarnation of your tank.