*snif* :twitch:
Gary- lol Shameless plug!
JonF said:
...have you ever felt light envy though? has there ever been a coral you felt you could not keep or that bleached out (or browned out or otherwise did not maintain its color) due to lack of sufficient light intensity?
- how frequently do you need to clean your glass?
Glass cleaning- I use a Tunze magnet cleaner pretty much every day. Confuscious say, "a snail on the glass is one less on the rock." lol
Once a month (or when expecting company), I use a fresh razor blade in a DIY holder on the edges and along the sand.
Lighting- Yes (doesn't everyone?), and yes. Little history: When I set up, people on the boards were starting with 250w (and higher) MH, but I didn't know anyone personally. My trusted LFS was solely PC & VHO, and of course said the tank would 'fry' with MH, so I decided to "compromised" with 175w.
So, why not upgrade? Mainly, I question the return of more light weighed against the added expense of electrical consumption, more costly lamps, excess heat, evaporation, and fear that many "lower light" established corals would negatively respond. If not for the latter, I would have surely "experimented" by now, just to see what would happen.
As far as coloration, I do have corals from brighter systems that look identical. My biggest peave is an A. millepora that should have pink with intense blue tips (it did under Thermans 400w). This coral is super healthy, but there is only a slight hint of blue. On the "brighter side", there are only 1 or 2 others that have sucessfully brought the tip color out (regardless of light intensity), so who knows. No matter how much it hurts, every coral does not do well in every reef...
Would I choose 175's again? Maybe not. But at this point, the relatively low light supporting stereotypically high demand corals has drawn welcome attention!