Tank of the month - January 2003

Excellent Tank and nice website. Don't be ashamed of getting that "big head" you talked about. You deserve it. Much hard work and education pays off everytime!!! Man O' Live would I like to have that much equipment to play with...oops I mean to help my tank out even more. Super Duper!

I am wondering about your lighting though. It seems to me that your actinics block much of the halides light. Have you found that this has become a factor since you lowered your actinics? The tank doesn't seem to mind from the beautiful looks of things. Just wondering. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.

zimmy - I used to have my actinics mounted in the top of my canopy, about 12-14" above the water. There were two behind the halides and two in front so they didn't block any light. I just found they were ineffective this high up. The tank looked too yellow to me with the 65k Iwasaki halide bulbs. After moving them down the tank looks a more natural colour and I've seen no signs of anything suffering from a lack of light.
monster - once I got the hole cut it was as easy as just making the tubes from the tank longer. The hole doesn't actually go through the floor directly. I didn't want to cut right into the hardwood so I cut through the little partition wall beside the stand and then through the floor inside the wall. That was a bit tricky.

Having the sump in a little room in the basement is great though. I have lots of room for the equipment, can make lots of mess and not have to worry about noise. To cool the tank I can just put a couple big old cheap fans right over the sump - works great and who cares how it looks or how much noise the fans make. I made the sump room able to hold water which has been tested successfully on many occasions *sigh*
Reef Man - thanks for pointing out the other forum. I hadn't checked it and didn't realize there were questions there. I'll respond to them now. Sorry about that.
Awesome setup

Awesome setup

BEATIFUL TANK!! and I love the basement setup. Judging by the other posts this honor was long overdue, congrats. :cool:

Great Website


I have followed your tank via your web-site, and hopefully I will be able to mimic your success with culturing, clams and control.

Again, well done.
The tank is great and all, but the live CULTURE layout is awesome.

Rotifers, phytoplankton, brine shrimp. That's what makes this so special. We gotta talk because I want to set up something like that. I'll be emailing you.

Great job, I really mean it. You've had some serious issues with this tank and for you not to give up shows real dedication to the hobby. I bet all that frustration work pays off everytime you log onto the RC board this month.

Where do you go from here though?
This is it, the pinnacle of reef hobby fame.

What's in store for Flame Angel?

Retirement? Another Tank? Consulting?


Man, I love your tank! I like the layout. It looks like you very specifically set all of your corals etc. with a specific look in mind before you ever put anything in. Did you sketch out what design you where thinking of first? It's not just a big pile! Very cool. Great job.:D
Yeah, I've finally found something where being stubborn, uh, I mean persistent, is a good thing :) What's next? beating the darned flatworms hopefully! Seriously, since I've been in this hobby it's never once left me without a challenge. I hope some day, when I have more experience, to be able to set up a very large tank that will allow me to keep some of the larger fish I admire but for now my reef keeps me occupied.

Yeah, I actually did sketch out my rock formations before hand. When the rock finally arrived I ended up making some compromises because somehow they didn't send the exact size and shaped pieces I drew but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I need to set up a closed loop spraybar in the back though - not quite enough circulation behind the rocks.

I've walked quite a few people through setting up phytoplankton cultures through email so I made up a printer-friendly step-by-step set of instructions a while ago:
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Congrats Susan!!!

Beautiful tank and with your help I have started my own phyto cultures and hopefully rotifer cultures as well. I had to play your talking sun coral about 10 times in a row (my kids couldn't stop laughing) :D
Absolutely a wonderfull creation Flame.
your tank set up is great and I love the hole set up down the basement, hope you get to make your bigger tank in the future.
well done

congratulations on the TOTM!! You've put tremendous thought and effort into the setup and maintenance of the tank and it shows. Good luck in the future!!