Tank of the month - January 2003


Premium Member
This month we are featuring Susan Wilson's (Flame*Angel) awesome 120 gallon reef tank:


More details can be found here or by clicking on the picture above.

Congratulations, Susan! U go, girl! :)
Wow. With the Ca and dKH levels, I'd think there would be a lot more coralline algae. I love coralline algae. :)

The acros and clams look very nice!
Congratulations girl!!

You're featured as Tank of the Month! Well done!

You have also been helpful to many of us in phytoculturing and you deserve this!!! :)

Happy New Year!


I thoroughly enjoyed your webpage. Im not sure my boss woulda though! :smokin:
Extremely informative, and not to mention functional and down right good lookin!

Oh.. and the reef isn't bad either! ;)

Thank you for giving us something to aspire to!


I need to check out your website with the singing(?) coral when i get home, i don't have sound here and i want to hear it...is it singing or talking?

Your tank is beautiful, and your phytoplankton culture system is very interesting....:)
Congratulations Flame Angel. Is your copperband still getting along with your clams? I want one of those but I'm a bit nervous as my clams are my favorite inhabitants. My cousin just got a CBB that ate ALL of his SPS and LPS before he caught it. :mad:


Hi Susan!!

I didn't even see this when I PM'ed you earlier!! Congrats on a very well deserved honor :D I think your persistance and diligence with regards to your husbandry methods show immediately when people see your website. You have a beautiful tank and the animals are some of the most well cared for out there!

Take care,

PS: I also really love your maximas...I am hoping mine will grow up like that someday :)
Thanks guys. I'm all big in the head today. This is a huge honor for me. I just had to go and slap that award sticker on my site right away :)

icebear - the tubastrea is talking, it has a very important message! :)

Squidman - I was worried about my clams too but so far so good. I've watched this copperband eat aiptasia right off the clams shells and he's never once harmed a clam or coral.

I knew deep down that you would get this honor someday, as it is a well deserved honor for you. Your tank is awesome, I have always admired it. From the setup in your basement to your beautiful furniture that surrounds the tank. Awesome is the only word I can use.

I love that head on shot of the copperband in the article, so cool. I hope mine continues to do well.

Again, well deserved tank of the month ... You show us all how things are done right and with well planned designs where the research really shines through. Keep up the great reef experience and continue to share your experiences with us.

Congrats Susan! I was hoping that your tank would be featured soon. I really enjoy visiting your webpage. The daily journals / monthly picture updates are incredible.

Keep up the good work!
Congrats, Susan!
Your reef is progressing wonderfully!
Your positive, enthusiastic attitude even during the minor "set backs" is an inspiration to us all!

Congratulations!!! I knew it was only a matter of time before your tank was selected for TOTM. I have been following your tank (and website:)) since I joined RC and have really enjoyed your progress. I think the way you have researched and planned every aspect of your system should be posted in the "new to the hobby" section as a blueprint for a successful reef.

Congrats and keep up the great reefing,

Yes, I agree with everyone else. So much deserved. Your tank and site are totally amazing! Truely wonderful.:D
I knew you'd get it sooner or later! Gongradulations on a beautiful colorful reef and an amazing proffesional site!

Keep up the AWSOME work, I always admire your reef and try to accomplish what you've done, which will never in my wildest dreams happen.

I love the 2 piles and the way they creep up, very creative!

You should think about adding a guestbook to your website! :)

Rock Anemone:D
Susan, exactly how many times have you won TOTM? :lolspin:

Very, very deserving imho. I started visiting your site about 6 months ago, and was fascinated by the detail and the information. Hundreds of pictures to look through gave me many reasons to come back over and over again.

Btw, I dropped in a blue damsel in my tank yesterday, to see if it would work on the flatworm population. I"ll let you know if that ends up being true. :)
Indeed a well-deserved honor. You give your reef a lot of time and attention and it shows in your results.

Thanks also for walking me through phyto culturing when I got started!

see ,even girls can do it:p

sweet aquascape.love the lagoon with lps and the reef column with sps.
its only gonna get better -keep it up:)