tank pics

Dan, I need some frags off you I had a problem and lost a few of mine salinity dropped to 1.021 when skimmer overflowed due to me forgetting to turn off my fill line from my RO and a bit of sea water also flooded my basement. At anyrate, Let me know when you want to meet I want to bring my camera over too so we can really take some nice pics... for your Tank of the month :D that I will vote you for lol
Thanks Jon,that is about the nicest thing you can say about a reef freak like myself.LOL.Sorry about your losses.i have done the same thing before i installed the ATO systems on my tanks.the acroporas can be very delicate and it does not take much to take them out sometimes.The weekends are usually good for me.
Sounds good, I have some time friday after work also, Let me know. By the way the frag that I have of yours that you were looking for is perfectly fine and starting to take off encrusting on the plug now. I would say another few weeks and I will take it to your house to so we can cut up the plug for you to have some.