Tank progess after a year (pic intensive)


New member






Colors are a little washed out.
List of Corals:
Caribbean Rhodactis
Short Tentacle Plate Coral
100+ Eagle Eyes
11 Armageddons
Metallic Torch
Branching Hammer
Yellow Goniopora
11+ Ricordias
8+ Green Striped Mushrooms
Red Superman Mushroom

Blue Tang (Small and I do plan to upgrade soon!)
Whipfin Fairy Wrasse
Indo------ Wrasse
Helfrichi Firefish
Clarkii Clown
2 annoying yellow damsels

Sexy Shrimp
Tiger Striped Starfish
Sand Sifting Starfish
Pom Pom Crab
Coral Banded Shrimp
Nassarius and Astreas
A Few Blue Legged Hermits
Very nice titus, my only observation is to be careful with the caulerpa growing in your main display, it could quickly take over and cover the lights from the corals.
Very nice man! I agree with rogger's statement, and also keep in mind that while your blue tang will keep up with the algae now probably, he's gonna get too big and have to go soon, so you won't have him there to eat the algae all the time...
Yahh its kind of a pain to keep it cut back so if anyone ever needs some let me know! I do plan on upgrading to a 56 (at least) within the next three months.
WOW, Great tank. How is the plate coral doing on the rock ? Everything I have read they'd rather be on the sand bed...

Keep it up.
I believe I have some shots from when I first set it up and when I get home Ill throw them up here. The plate is doing nicely on the rock; unfortunately the damsels like to pick so its tentacles rarely come out (it ate like a horse before they picked). I actually go to school at UM in coral gables but I graduate in may.

After some ups and downs with my old twelve gallon and a hell of a journey with this tank, all of your guys advice during the last year has brought me a long way and I just wanted to thank you all as well.