Tanked ... has got to go

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As a natural aquarist who pays attention to the environment our species come from and works to replicate that in captivity .......... biological science that needs to be implemented to keep marine animals in captivity.

A push from private aquarists needs to happen.

First and foremost khowst I have kept many overstocked aquariums. I have one right now.

How can you be a natural aquarist yet maintain an overstocked aquarium. That is pretty much a contradiction. And further you promote overstocked aquarium by writing articles about it. How is that responsible? I don't know whether you are rich or not, but this sounds like a case of "I want it and I want it now" (which you claim to be opposed to).

A push from private aquarists.....I agree. But, I would prefer to lead by example. Some of my personal examples....natural sunlight tank (ie green energy...the sun!), an aquacultured only tank (no wild caught in this one!) and, none of them are overstocked.
Do you start every post with first? lol.

So if Tanked put a disclaimer in the beginning of the show then it would make it ok? It did for disney according to you right? lol. Your words. Its ok to have an over stocked tank like they do. Youre words again. Are you employee working people up for season two? Like mentioned the show hasnt played on tv for like a month & out of the blue this one comes along.

This is purely laughable at this point. Youve worked this thread & yourself up into a lather so bad is comical.

Moral of the story bud, tanked has been thread killed about 20 times over already. It was nice to see someone bring it up 3 months after the season stopped being aired. Maybe next week we can debate Regan-nomics?

If you dont like it turn the channel. Send a email to discovery or whatever channel it is on and voice your opinion in an arena that matters. At this point your really making me envision that kid throwing himself down in the toy isle of wal-mart screaming 'I want a transformer.'

I would think someone of your background in the industry & so forth would have better connections to go direct with them and or thier suppliers instead of a forum rage.

Good luck with the thread till it gets closed. I'm out. peace.
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kowst this thread likely will be closed thanks to you mainly. You are totally off topic and if you want to start a thread bashing your fellow forum users than have at it. You have taken this entirely out of context. What SSCS does regarding their approach to environmental conservation has nothing to do with the ethical implications of the show Tanked, other than both appear on the same network. The thread hasn't been worked up into any lather. You basically questioned my credibility and I responded to you. I have written letters to both Animal Planet and the folks behind the show Tanked. Naturally I have gotten no response and will be very surprised if I do. I asked only that they do a follow up special that shows the success, challenges or lack of success of their systems. I don't view that request as unreasonable. I will assume any lack of such follow-up is likely because they don't want such a follow up to take place due to what it may show viewers.

I did not and have not written anything in favor of overstocked aquariums. I did write an article on keeping a heavily fish stocked reef. I wrote this because it can be done properly when certain factors are taken into account. One is the geographic location of each species and understanding who they are compatible with (both coral and fish wise) and making the proper implementations in the tank. I don't see this as being un-natural or irresponsible. Again, I would ask someone have you been on a coral reef? If you have than you must know that they are very dense and diverse ecosystems. Furthermore I have found fish behavior is more agreeably managed in a densely stocked reef tank possibly because it closely resembles the environment from which they came. When I used the term natural aquarium I meant the replication of an animal's environment in captivity.

jdhuyvetter what you are suggesting IMHO is more of a green aquarium. Something that has a small impact on nature by utilizing renewable resources. My aquariums use LED lighting, multiple levels of filtration and consume electricity. They are not green in any way though I feel I have had success re-creating small patches of fringing reef and reef crest habitats in captivity.

To bring the topic into focus, I have no control over Tanked, whether it will see following seasons or the success or failure of the company it highlights. I do have a moral dilemma as a life long aquarist, scuba diver and someone who has worked in the public aquarium world. I don't like what they are doing and how it is being approached. A lot can be said about sensationalism on TV and I feel this show appeals to that and that alone.

By the way khowst I don't know when Tanked is on or not on as I don't often watch network TV. A friend recommended I check the show out because they were equally as outraged as I. I did that by downloading it from iTunes and watching it. Hence why I said new in my original post then commented that the show wasn't really new though it was new to me.
Who cares? It's scummy Animal Planet. The channel which is filled with low budget reality soaps like the one in which gay people groom dogs, endless variations of When Animals Attack, and Ten Deadliest<whatever>. It's trash TV with an occasional animal thrown in. It's the cynical animal-hating twin of MTV and the History Channel. No one turns to these channels for information, and there really is no more point in being upset about a bad Animal Planet show than being upset when History Channel airs its "space aliens built the pyramids" documentaries.
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