Tat Tropical Illusions


Active member
Tat Tropical Illusions in Thousand Oaks. I heard alot of good things about this place, and decided that Im going tommorrow, but before I go, do they have a website?

Are there any sales going on right now?

Do they have any macro algae?

O last thing, Do they have established livesand? like the kind where you can get like whatever amount you want out of a huge bucket thing thats attached to their whole system?


Don't think so

Don't think so

They have a huge selection of corals and a good selection of fish. Prices are kind of on the high side compared to the valley though.
Was just in a store here in Orange county that looks to have as much livesand as you could desire. It is called Coral Oasis.
WOW, thats all I have to say. I went there today and they had some really neat looking fish, and the biggest selection of corals that I have seen. THat was truely a great place, I just didnt bring enough money so I couldnt buy much. But a nice place in deed.
Yeah, I like it. Awesome selection. Prices are a tad on the steep side but I think they can get away with it since you can pretty much count on them having SOMETHING there that youd be interested in. I only wish that their LR bins were a bit more accessable and had a slightly better selection.
There liverock is so expensive I think they said it was like 5.99 a pound. But when I have enough money I am going to buy some corals there. I dont really mind the high prices on the corals, because they are so rare and good looking. The prices in general are really steep. Nice setup there.
Stopped in there on Saturday evening. Wound up getting a couple of wrases and a green carpet. They now have a new "rare" lepoard wrasse, kind of a greenigh color. really cool looking but the wife wanted the regular splendid lepoard wrasse. :rolleyes:

I got lucky. The wife and I were having lunch, she wanted to go to the furniture store next door to Tat's so we went. I told her I was just going in to "look" while she went shopping. When I went back to find her, she didn't want to buy anything. :eek:

I talked her into going in to look at a lepoard wrasse. Walked out with the wrasse, a franklin wrasse and a green carpet. ALL her chosing. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6829218#post6829218 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by smoney
There liverock is so expensive I think they said it was like 5.99 a pound. But when I have enough money I am going to buy some corals there. I dont really mind the high prices on the corals, because they are so rare and good looking. The prices in general are really steep. Nice setup there.

That is cheap for live rock. We pay 7.99 and up for live rock here