TDS equipment

A couple questions for you:

Have you ever had to calibrate it?
Do you wish you had one that more portable?
Any maintenance beyond battery replacement that you know of to the inline?


The only reson I wish I had a portable one would be to compair other water.

I was told to clean it in viniger every 6 months.... I think it's viniger, I have check.
one problem with the portable unit you are looking at is that it's resolution is 10 units - so if it reads ten you don't know if it is one or ten or higher - this is a problem as most people recommend changing resin or membrane (whichever is causing the elevated reading) at one or two ppm
Thanks azdesert... i actually just read that to.

"Measurement Range: 0-9990ppm. From 0-999ppm, the resolution is in increments of 1ppm. From 1,000 to 9,990ppm, the resolution is in increments of 10ppm, indicated by a blinking 'x10' image."

With that said, what would you prefer?
my fault - sorry about that - must have misread - that is cool - I'm stuck with this stupid Milwaukee one that only reads in tens - just trying to make sure no-one else makes the same mistake because it was not something that I even thought of before buying a meter
Thanks for the find dolt. if it had been a bad one,... i wouldn't have known. But it does look ok. I like the idea of both meters. It would be pretty cool to see the before and after TDS of the inline and portability of the other one. I think I may just get the inline one first.
I have the dual TDS meter. Works great for me and I can immediately know what is going into and out of my RO.
I think i'm sold... also... has been great with excelent response to emails and they are located in IL. Prices are about the same as everywhere else, but their shipping is cheap! I bought 3 filters and the dual TDS meter. Shipping is about $6.75!

Just an fyi for an alternate place to get your filter replacements.

Someone who has the inline meter please enlighten me. Does it come with directions or mention cleaning of the sensing elements on a frequent basis? My concern is you are not rinsing the unit and you will begin to get a build up on the element which will eventually lead to incorrect measurements. With the analyzers I have been accustomed to in treatment plants even if they have flow through cells they require frequent cleaning and calibrations and these are units that cost in the thousands of dollars.
With a handheld meter you rinse it in DI after each use and cap it so it should be clean and accurate for the next use. With my raw water in excess of 600 TDS I don't have any faith in it and prefer to test by hand. Maybe I should buy one and do side by side comparison testing to see how long it goes without losing accuracy.
Yes, please buy one and let me know :) lol.

Every so often you're supposed to recalibrate and clean it in vineger I believe. Probably every time you change your DI and Carbon block sediment filter you're supposed to clean it. I'll make sure I research this.
Hope you did not order it yet, they have a much nicer one called an M2 that just came on the market. it's about $15 more but is nicer unit. I just ordered one.