Tearing tank down fish for sale


New member
I'm the progress of tearing my 120g tank and only have fish left they are all very healthy and have been in my system for 3 years. 8" blonde naso tang $150, purple tang $200, powder brown tang $80, chocolate tang $40, Christmas wrasse $30, female green mandarin $20, six line wrasse $10 and a yellow tang $30 for sale, MSG if you want pictures and I'm a located in Lancaster.
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yellow tang is sold and I forgot to add that I also have breeding pair of "Gladiatior" clownfish for $150 or $200 with they rose Anemone
Well here are some price changes since I need this fish to have new home Purple tang and Blonde Naso only for $100
I don't have the regal angel hand a home already and yes the fish are still available except the mandarin and yellow tang.