Teddans round obsession (195gallon) cylinder tank

the chiller and sfiligoi ballast
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6289096#post6289096 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Teddan
So I changed to Coralvue 10000K bulbs and they gave a better impession


Coralvue 10000K bulbs look much better :)
-Johnvu713 I plan on mostly sps but i also have a liking for ricordea and want to have as many diffrent of them as i can get a hold of. In Sweden U dont find so many diffrent ricordea so maby i have to travel. The diffrent fishes I have in the tank now are

1 BIG premnas biaculeatus (Im trying to find another but cant find any in this size)
5 Zebrasoma Flavecens
1 Rhinomuraena Quasita (Thats why i have to have big fish)
2 BIG Chysiptera taupou
1 Enoplometopus debelius Reef Lobster
1 Ophiolepis superba marbled brittlestar
60 Suctus Ungius Shield limpet
?? Turbosnails
1 Tridacna maxima Blue
1 Echinometra mathaei Reef flat boring Urchin
1 Holothuria atra Black sea cucumber
1 phymanthus sand anemone

Lobophytum (gonna get rid of it soon)
Xenia (on one stone gonna get rid of it soon)
Poccilopora green
3 acroporas
Caulastrea furcata
Euphylllia glabrescens
Ricordea Yuma
and a gorgon dont know the kind
thanks here are some facts
Tank is 1 meter High 1 meter in diameter 735 Liter
Stand 95 cm
Sump 80 liter
Micronbag Kent Marin
Uvc 2*20 Watt deltec t5
Skimmer Aqua Care 1000V
Nitratfilter Aqua Care ADN-75
Kalkmixer Aqua Care KWR-110
Fosfatfilter Deltec FR-509
levelcontroll Aqua Care + IKS
Ph-control IKS
Tempcontrol IKS
IKS aquastar connected with CPU matuta prog
8 st possible to dim
Ozon Sander 50mg/h
Chiller Aqua Medic Titan 1500
upp pump Deltec 8070 s in level 2
closed loop pump Deltec 8070 in level 3
Lightings 2 * 400 Mh 10 000 K + 4 * 24 W T5 artinic
Osmos Aquatiq Nature 180L With silicat filter
I like it. something truly unique. I like how the island is the center of the tank and you can see it from every side.
2 thumbs up.
Thats awesome...really nice.

If I may....I really like the color and growth from the XM 20K bulbs. Just my 2c.

I am impressed, I love the way all the equipment hides under there.

I know that people hate to discuss prices (and i understand why) but i have been dreaming of a large cylindrical tank for a while. What is the round about cost of this tank (tank only). Thank you
Willy the price for the tank + stand with shipping and taxes from germany to sweden was about 30000 swedish kronas the other equipment costed much to but I wanted a big tank on a small area that can hold much corals. Only way to get it was to make it round. If U are looking to spend some extra $$$$$ check out http://english.royal-exclusiv.de/index2.htm they are more expensive but build really nice tanks.