tempered or not

Most 55 Gal have temepered bottoms at least, easy way to tell is take in the light wear polarized sunglasses and if it appears to have a ripple tint then its tempered.
Reefdaddy, great idea, never realized that this was why car windows always had a checkered pattern to them. I knew it was because of the polorization, but didn't think for a second it was because the glass was tempered. :)
obvious is a sticker on the bottom cross frame perhaps. though its absense does not mean it isnt tempered(could have been removed or something) and if it is there, it wont tell you which panels are tempered.

soooo back to the sunglasses. 98% chance the bottoms tempered and the sides are not. but you probably dont want to be in that other 2%. if you just bought the tank just call the manufacturer.