Test kits used these days I am ten years out of date!


New member
After ten years away I am a bit behind on testing stuff used these days. . I did pick up a new basic API kit for the basic stuff. BUT all my other test kits are way out of date and I am not going to trust them. Who is best , sometimes I still prefer easiest, these days for kits for Alkalinity, Magnesium and Phosphates. Also I have a new Calcium from API and am not nuts about it either , suggestions on Calcium test kits welcome too. Thanks..........
I use salifert for alk as it's easy and quick. I do it every other day so I don't like Hanna checker for this. I have it and never use it.

Po4 I use hanna
Ca which I only test a few times a year- salifert

Otherwise I don't test anything else unless the tank seems off.

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Salifer for CA and Mg

For Alk I use the Hannah meter which is so easy to use and gives you exact ALK reading which I find super helpful.
Thanks all for you input. Salifert was what I was using ten years ago, must still be pretty good!. Think I will stick with then .
I use Red Sea Pro for Ca/Mg/Alk/PO4/NO3. Note however there are two ranges of Red Sea kits, and only the Pro range is suitable for reef tanks.

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