that fish place anniversary zoo !


Active member
That place was LOADED with people sat morning...I went to get a tank and the lines were out the door and out in the parking lot almost to the end of the 8:55am!

then the clerks couldnt get all the anniversary sale items to ring up correctly due to a system glitch some manager had to come over and manually key in each item...many of the prices were was horrible...

never again,,,for me.

If you cant stand crowds,waiting in line forever ...incompetent help....stay clear !
They messed up at lot last year as well. Lots of computer glitches as well as a bulk order of fish that all ended up sick in hours and dead for everyone in the DRC that went.

This year I went for the tent sale and lectures and didn't spend a dime on live stuff.
agreed... they have been having more and more computer problems over the last yeaer or so. it seems like every time I go there I have to get at least two price checks on items I am getting and a manager involved to fix my issues.

I chose not to buy anything inside this trip as well for just those reasons, plus the corwds this time were unbelevalbe. TPP is still the king of cheap dry goods as long as you are carefull about getting the prices they have marked. I was one of the members who lost fish last year and ended up going back up there numberous times to try and get it squared away. I ended up trading my livegoods credits to buy dry goods...

I still thinks its a great store, but you have to be very careful with them these days. I hope they implement a new inventory management system soon, theirs is obviosly not working and they are loosing money and customers as a result... such is life tho..
i bought a 90 rr and its leaking and they didnt really think it was a big deal. but i had to go online with my phone to show them the price for the tank and stand because they were trying to charge me almost double than it was posted. it took them an hr to figure it out then they didnt even have rope to tie the stand to the car. when i called and said something about the tank they acted like i made it leak and wasnt going to give me any compensation for having to drive back. they said its my problem to deal with. that is some top notch customer service huh. not there customer service sucks and i will never buy anything there again i would rather pay more than to get treated like that...
i think they should compensate someone for my prob because they dont water test there tanks. in my case we didnt figure it out until we moved everything out of old one and into the new took me like almost 24 hrs to get it done and to put my house back together and now i have to do it again. so i think they should give me something for the drive and not to mention the extra work for something that is there fault not mine.
I didn't even bother with their sale this year. The only thing I saw worth it was there tank sale (75,90,125,150g). Their livestock isn't that great and prices are usually worse. Dry good are good, but it's just not worth the drive anymore for me. Sounds like it was a good idea to not go, I can't deal with the long lines and them messing up everyone's order.
Well my parents had given my gift cards and when I went to redeem them... Both my and my gf got a chance to take a look at their display tank for a good long while, while waiting for them to attempt to look up the gift card in their computer system. They finally gave up and took my word on it.

I agree that they need to get the computer system worked out. I don't understand how a large company can get into any contract with a software company where the software company has no guarantee at all that their software will do half the things it is supposed to do.

The speakers were pretty good though and I got a couple of dry items pretty cheap while I was there. (granted they weren't cheap enough to justify the gas cost of the trip if I hadn't already been there).
Returned, broke, used, or discontinued items. Mostly junk. I have found a couple of nice tanks there in the past.(one had to be repaired, but was minor work) If you don't get there within 2-5 minutes of opening forget finding anything worth wild, as the tent gets picked over fast.
I was happy with my salt purchase: 5 buckets of Reef Crystals for ~ $100.

Waiting in line to make the purchase was not fun, though.