That Fish Place March Tent Sale


New member
Hey guys, just wanted to let everyone know i'll be at the mad house they have up at that fish place in Lancaster next month (aka tent sale). I'll be milling around with my company shirt on answering questions and staring at fish. Please say hi if you make it up there! :D
I'm pretty sure I'll be there too. I haven't missed one of their spring and fall tent sales for the past 6 or 7 years or so. And my little dog too! She likes all the attention she gets from other pet owners up there. It's fun!

See you there
So are the discounts really worth the trip up there for the tent sale?

Will need to justify the gas expense to talk my wife in to letting me go.

well, pretty good depending on what and how much you need. just keep an eye on their site and sign up for email flyers to see what discounts might be. vendor reps at the store also have extra coupons for their stuff. lots of people stock up on salt deals too. the tent sale is a rummage sale of odds and ends, returns, used and discontinued stuff. but you got to be there for the opening saturday morning to find anything good. it goes fast.
they usually have a guest speaker and demos to.
I wouldn't miss it. If you need salt surly stock up. If I didn't already have three buckets I'd buy more. If someone want to go in on some buckets I may buy a bucket of reef salt.(I just got all those instant ocean buckets from Jim)

Have you been to the store on a normal day Craig? You might find it's worth the money just for there every day prices. I found lots of time it would cost me the same in gas money to go there then it would to have things shipped and then I get the bonus of checking out their live stock.
Well in that case - anyone want to make a group trip out of it?

I got a minivan that will seat 7. Well let's make it 5 so we have pleanty of room to bring stuff home.

I could use to get a new tank so I can finally make a fuge.

Anyone interested? I'll drive.
absolutely worth it!!!
I go up there every few months and stock up on dry goods... every now and then something wet... I would say you can typically expcet to see somewhere between 20-50% off dry goods from LFS prices and they pretty much always have anything you could want... not so much on the lighting goods, but mostly everything...
last tent sale I went to I ended up not buying anything from the tent, but they had green emraald crabs 3 for 10! and a ton of other deals I have never seen anyhwere else....
to be hoenst, TFP is the only store that gets my $ these days...
Holy crab! Good thing I didn't see that deal on the emerald crabs. I would have probably bought 6 of them. All though the little female I have now is constantly taking food out of my sun coral. X-(

cdangel0 Did I already tell you I had a puffer just like that once?
SerranidTerror I will definitely say hi if I can remember what you look like.

cdangel0 a ride would be great! Especially since I've been driving my SUV around for a month with the check engine light on and today my gfs car wouldn't start. I would say I can't wait till I can get out of college and afford a new vehicle, but the way I spend money on this hobby I'll never have extra money for a new vehicle, lol.
Cool. I think this is my 3rd Puffer like this. The other two did well in my FW tank until they got too big and needed SW, then got donated back to LFS.

This one is pretty happy - of course he just killed two fish this week so he may end up being sushi soon. :mad2:

So Jon is riding up with me, anyone else interested - speak now or forever spend your own gas money :eek1:

Well, at least let me know before the 16th. of March of course.
I might be down... thanks for offering!
my GF and I usually make a day out of going up that way and hit the outlets ect..... ill let you know
I will be driving on my own this time. I am going up early Sat., staying most of the day, then driving an hour north to pick up some stuff from a PARC member. J. Sprung and A. Calfo will both be worth going to see if people haven't heard from them before.
