the 1700g stingray reef

Right side of the tank. The large cap colony has been fragged a lot- (it started with a nickel sized piece). You can also see the eastern fiddler ray- it's relatively new to the system. So far after only 3-4 days it's beginning to recognize the feeding tube. I use a 1.5 inch pvc pipe to shuttle food directly to the bottom. Then when the stingray approaches the pipe I lift it up to let some of the food out. This way only the stingray gets the food. This one seems to be picking up on the system. I also only feed in one spot so when the scent of food enters the system the ray knows exactly where to go.
You can see the red carpet in the bottom. It came in totally stressed - more than any anemone I've ever seen. It was almost inside out! Then it seemed to bounce back but not quite to 100%. It looks nice and inflated about half of the time but the mouth gapes a little and it's not quite sticky (as I'd like). I'm keeping a close eye on it.
This is a corner shot of the right island. If you look closely at the rose bta you can see it has on running shoes. Every few days it cruises around that island and then stops for awhile. But things like that is the reason for the islands. Corals and anemones that I want but need to isolate from the main rock work get put on the islands! That rose BTA knocked out half of my white POM POM Xenia which had overtaken the top of the island anyway.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9447281#post9447281 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Energy

Close up of the stingray(Eastern Fiddler Ray) and purple carpet. [/B]

Something happen with the blue spot ??
Amazing pics buddy! Hope to see this beautiful tank sometime in the near future. Might be coming your way in a couple weeks or months I'll let you know to see if you will be around.

That RBTA is a beauty. If you get a clone I'd love to buy it from you.

Gem tang is in the system now. I had to remove one of the purple tangs because it kept beating it up. The blue spot passed suddenly. They have been known to do this so that's the last one. Other hobbyist that I've talked to have had the same experience. Healthy and eating and then poof-gone! The Eastern fiddler ray is supposed to be pretty hardy.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9449359#post9449359 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Energy
Gem tang is in the system now. I had to remove one of the purple tangs because it kept beating it up. The blue spot passed suddenly. They have been known to do this so that's the last one. Other hobbyist that I've talked to have had the same experience. Healthy and eating and then poof-gone! The Eastern fiddler ray is supposed to be pretty hardy.

:eek2: SWEET !!! a Gem Tang... :eek2: I don't recall seeing / hearing about one in a tank here in the US... I see them all the time overseas...

I am sorry to hear about your blue spot, I was guessing that is what happend since you were posting pics of a new ray... But I didn't want to assume...
thats nasty stan! you shouldnt show people stuff like that. they might be eating there lunch and loose it all over there computers!
it looks like a huge pile of dog poo. i will be over to see the new sting ray real soon. he looks awesome!
I caught it with a cheesball container. Just a big tall clear plastic container. I put the food in the bottom and wait for the fish to swim into it toward the bottom. Then just reach in and grab the container. The fish always swim down and away which is directly to the bottom of the container.