the 1700g stingray reef

expensive IMO but they have super quality specimens. There's a couple corals on that site that I am going to get.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9277118#post9277118 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hahnmeister
So my idea for a Bubblemaster style recirc skimmer... 12" diameter by 30" tall... what do you think? Too much? Argh... I thought it would be a neat idea, but I cant find a good pump to use.

Why not use two OR 3500/3700 with mesh mod on that thing. Two of them should more than be enough to fill that skimmer up full of bubbles. I know some people are getting around 35SCFH with meshwheel mod... so with two pumps, you'd be getting about 2000lph. That's ridiculous for the amount of water you wish to skim. :) Mileage will vary, but with that much air... you could probably safely skim up to 500-600 gallons. Heck, you could use probably one pump and still have the proper skimming power for your future system. :)

Honestly, your tank is going to be roughly 120-140 gallons with some unknown amount of additional saltwater in sumps/refugium.

Those two pumps will not need air pump assisted on a 30" tall skimmer and will draw a lot of air, more than enough for the total tank size that you are looking at.. I assume it would be less than 200 gallons total.

John H.
My total system will be... 120g + 40g sump + 40g frag tank... so 200g total.

Yeah, its slight overkill.

Hmm... Spazz, you think it would be too much even with the bubble plate design that ATI uses in their bubblemasters? I thought that the vortex style plate might kill alot of the turbulence. Then again... Im talking about shoving the output of a Dart through about an 8" central tube.... bubble plate or not that is alot.

rufio, I was thinking about the OR3700s... but thats alot of wattage. I also have an eheim 1262 just laying around. I was wondering how that might perform if I mesh-modded it or got a NW from ER.
Hey Hahn,

Spazz knows the exact numbers for running an OR 3700 pump with needlewheel, but it's about 40 watts I believe, so two of them would run 80 watts. Although the dart is more powerful, you don't need it and I think it still runs you more than 80W with air pump assist. It might be a little different with meshmod, but the wattage draw may be less with the mesh mod on the ORs.

Good luck on finding/DIYing the perfect skimmer. :) Hehe. I thought some people had good luck with the tiny might pump. I know spazz had done some work on it and also smtkj on here as well.


This thread has some details of a tiny might skimmer that was built by Spazz, it has some nice pictures as well.

Try to contact smtkj about his tiny might experience.

I don't think I'll ever have a system requiring a skimmer with dart NW pump... maybe a tiny might powered skimmer, but I've come to the conclusion that it is possible for your tank to be too nutrient poor. I've gone through it with my tank and now that I've started feeding more and been actually sloppier with maintenance, my corals are coloring back up and growing faster. I know a ton of people will disagree, but I think there is a place where you can get too extreme with your nutrient depletion (not talking about phosphates or nitrates, because these should be kept as low as possible IMO). However, I will say that an oversized skimmer is great if you love to feed lots and love to have tons of fish in your tank.

John H.
Yeah, I remember seeing those skimmers... thats what got me wondering about using a NW dart, not alita-fed or anything, on a 12" diameter-30" tall skimmer... I was wondering what the scfh of air would be like.... it seems that dual OR3700s would put out about the same if I meshmodded them. I have a couple 3700s... havent considered meshmodding them yet... Il have to crack them open and see what I might be able to do...

So what are the performance numbers for the dart vs tiny might on the various size skimmers I see?
Sorry Hahn... can't really help you with those numbers now, it's been too long since I've looked at those threads, but hopefully Scott can chime in and give you a better idea of what those air values are?

Scott?? Care to chime in? :)
I hate to play "pretend mod" but can we leave the discussion of other people's skimmers out of this thread? I've seen the same people jump in and completely hijack other threads with these same discussions. I understand talking about spazz's skimmers here but I think the rest of the discussion going on right now belongs in its own thread. This is a great thread and I would hate to see it die due to a hijacking.
Dude thanks for the lead on the red carpet but that's to steep for my blood! I might have a lead on a normal priced one. I'm hoping it comes through or I'm back to square one. Back to the tank: Over on "the reef tank site" their going to feature it as tank of the month. The only reason I'm saying it here is because if anyone want's more information on the new updates it can be read there. The filtration room was totally gutted and redone last month so everything has been changed around. The lighting system has been updated as well. It will be featured in March. I know some people wanted to see it as tank of the month here on Reef central but I haven't really felt that it was up to snuff. Maybe it can get there now with the new changes and the Volcanoe skimmer kicking butt and chewing bubble gum.
WOW WOW WOW Energy just finised all 47 pages of this thread. and im speachless. I run my PO4 remover through 2 filtersocks and it always has residue in it. Spazz your work is amazing I wish I knew someone local who had one to check out im a BK women myself ;)
Now that is an amazing tank room! All that equipment gave me a W***Y......Oh yeah...the tank is nice too!! LOL WOW!!

New photo's - Here's the right end shot of the tank.
A little change of pace. This is one (of many) handfuls of thick sludge that the VOLCANOE skimmer kicked out in a little over a week. It also brought out 1-2 gallons of thick green liquid. Did I mentioon I love this skimmer? My corals have never been brighter!

Here's a cool little story. Spazz and Dustin set this skimmer up about two weeks ago. My ORP was averaging about 360-390 when it was set-up. I left for an out of town trip right after it was set-up. I told my wife to keep an eye on a failing carpet anemone for me while I was gone. Well when I came back sure enough it died and the wifey-poo never noticed. It stayed in the tank and rotted! I quick checked my parameters and my orp and it was up to 445. No other parameters had changed. So not only did the skimmer suck out the carpet anemone it even further polished the water and raised the orp by 60 points at the same time!