the 1700g stingray reef

Here's a shot of the tank center.
Here's another shot for ya!

One more shot for all of you reef junkies.
SWEEEEET skimmer.:thumbsup:

Now that's what you call a riser tube.

I can hardly wait for mine.:D

Looks like you dont have to worry about your skimmate overflowing on the long as the sink drain doesn't get clogged.:rollface:

I like the monti with the stag growing out of it.:)
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Looking great Energy. That skimmer looks awesome. I got to see one of the "mini" volcano skimmers last weekend. It was 18" diameter and 72" tall.:lol: What are the dimensions of your skimmer?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9267536#post9267536 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Travis
Looking great Energy. That skimmer looks awesome. I got to see one of the "mini" volcano skimmers last weekend. It was 18" diameter and 72" tall.:lol: What are the dimensions of your skimmer?

hi travis it was good talking to you last weekend. sorry i didnt have more time to talk. was busy with the plumbing thing. lol

energys skimmer is 66" tall 24" diam, with an 18" diam cup and a 10" diam riser tube. its run by a dart needle wheel and an a alita 80 pump for now. there is plans to up grade that pump to a volcano pump, real soon soon.
Your skimmers are something else Spazz! I thought the smaller one I saw last weekend was impressive enough. This one is a beast! :thumbsup:

A Volcano pump? Are you coming out with your own pumps as well?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9267650#post9267650 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slovan
Your skimmers are something else Spazz! I thought the smaller one I saw last weekend was impressive enough. This one is a beast! :thumbsup:

A Volcano pump? Are you coming out with your own pumps as well?

well energy was nice enough to let me experment with his system and use his new skimmer to develop my new pump design. its hard to test things if you dont havee a big system to run them on. i dont know for sure how things will go with this new design but the first proto type was a huge sucess. if it works then i have to convert one for john in iowa too.
last weekend was a blast. wish i would have had more time to shoot the bull with you guys. i was just so busy doing the install that i couldnt talk much. if you ever get to the minneapolis area drop me a line. we can hook up and have some fun.
Sounds good. It was nice to meet you and your wife. I just tried to keep his kids out of your hair so you could finish the install. :)

Glad to hear your new pump is yielding good results. Your innovative thinking and products will only help raise the bar in the hobby.
I do have a question if you guys have the time.

How do you manage an overskim event if the cup drains directly to a sink?

What happens for me is that sometimes I have an overskim event and my bucket fills to the top and a float switch shuts off my air pump. Then I dump the bucket and make an adjustment, but with this Volcano install, you might never know there is a problem until there is a salinity drop right? I have often thought of plumbing it to my sink but am fearful of an overskim like while I am asleep.

Am I missing something?
Spazz can answer this better than I can but I know he is talking about adding an auto-shutoff in case of an overflow. He wants to turn off all the skimmer pumps as soon as it senses an overflow. I'm not sure when he'll get to this phase of the design but it is one safety aspect of the skimmer that I think is very important.
I just can't figure it out. I mean, an overflow event would require sensing for volume and time right? I am really interested to see what he comes up with as I have not seen anything so far that deals with this issue.

I have one buddy that makes up with diluted SW based on some kind of a formula, but I don't entirely understand it. I will be helping him set up a Deltec Ca reactor next week and will ask him more about it then.
I think he should get that sooner than later. I've had my share of "overskimming events" and it is not cool to have gallons of ro/di dumping into your reef (and skimmate running onto your floor if it's not plumbded into your sink, most of us don't have that option). Nice looking skimmers though. I don't get having to use an air pump with the the huge water pumps but hey, I don't have to.

To say anything at all about that beast of a skimmer would be too little. Very very nice to say the least. Seems like a nice sump as well, but how come your water level is so low in it??

I guess you need to change your signature since I see you got a red carpet now. Looks nice. Very recent addition? I ask because it seems its mouth is gaping a little. Hope it does well for you. My experience has been that they are such poor shippers. But when you get one that does OK for the first few weeks, they are bullet proof from then on.

ank is looking very nice in general. Very very nice variety of corals going from ricordias to just about everything else. Is the stingray still around? I did not see it in any of the pictures. Can't get enough of the black tang.
I plumb the top of the skimmer overflow container back to my sump over carbon. Rarely does it happen because I empty my container every 2-3 days, but when it does everything goes back to the sump.

Yes it goes back into the tank, but when this happens it seems to be really clear water. Better than loosing the whole tank..
Dgasmd- That red carpet is dead- I should have known when I bought it that it wasn't OK. The seller told me it was fine and had just ate that's why it's mouth was gaping. Unfortunately it's mouth never stopped and it slowly perished. I still would like to get another red and am trying to work with a guy that has one for sale right now. The water level is low intentionally so I have enough backup volume in case of a power outage.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9267862#post9267862 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
I do have a question if you guys have the time.

How do you manage an overskim event if the cup drains directly to a sink?

What happens for me is that sometimes I have an overskim event and my bucket fills to the top and a float switch shuts off my air pump. Then I dump the bucket and make an adjustment, but with this Volcano install, you might never know there is a problem until there is a salinity drop right? I have often thought of plumbing it to my sink but am fearful of an overskim like while I am asleep.

Am I missing something?

rightn ow energy has the valve shut off incase there is an overflow. but in the future there will be a float switch installed into the cup to prevent an overflow. john in iowa has one in his 18" skimmer that is working very well. he runs his with his aqua controller 3 pro. i plan to make a shut down system for energys that runs by itself.
So I still don't get it. Are you talking about a float switch mounted in the cup and then restricting exit flow enough that during an over-skimming event the level would rise in the cup and trip the float switch?

If the cup is plumbed to the sink, how does the skimmate level reach the switch?

I have one mounted in my 6g bucket, but then I have to empty the bucket every couple days...
Scott... Freaking sweet skimmer man!!!! Your work just gets sweeter and sweeter with time. I am proud to say I have one of the first few skimmers that you've made, although much smaller than these monster skimmers. :)

Can't wait to see these volcano skimmer pumps!

Energy, looking great man! :)
flipping insane!!! i can't imagine that your skimmer holds more water then my two reefs combined!!! insane!!

please keep the pics coming! i hope to come see your setup sometime again Energy! it was amazing the other two times i saw it.

Travis you get a chance to see Energy's tank last weekend?? if so you have pics??

so is Volcano Skimmers your line Spazz? any specs on them? website? min size?

i'm intrigued