The Aquarium Gods have been good


New member
Okay, so I'm sitting here at 11:30 looking at threads, and I hear what sounds like someone peeing in the other room. I go look, and sure enough-tanks overflowing. Well, luckily the aquarium Gods were in a good mood, and it happened before I went to bed. I have a big pump, and I guess I need to throttle it back a bit. Been running for a few weeks, I don't know why it decided to overflow tonight. I'm gonna check to see if a snail got sucked in the overflow or something...Any ideas?
Pump's rated at 900, and yeah, two 600 overflows. Not doing it anymore, but I'd like more reassurance.
huh thats weird....srry to hear about that and i know exactly what your going through as i had so many issues with mine but um yea definately check for snails and such.... and maybe its possible your flow wasnt perfectly even and it was off just a little bit to the point where it took a while for it to overflow, orrrr maybe one of ur u-tubes lost part of its flow, with mine when i had two the one had like a bubble in it and the one with the greater flow adventually took over and the one while it looked like it was working really wasnt? idk just throwing out the new guy so good luck to ya ...oh yea i got a new 10 gallon lol well sorta its my old FW tank but i threw two pieces of LR in it and the clarkii so for now its my new tank :)
Yeah, I checked everything out, it seems like all good. Hey man, I need to get that refractometer back from you so I can do a water change. Gimme a call tommorrow, and I'll run over your way. Or you can come over here, I have some misc. additives I thought you might want(calc, buffer, strontium, etc...)
Jocephus... why dont you just drill your tank... then you dont have to worry about problems like losing siphon or the like.
lol perfect i planned on calling u to give it back ne way ..and id like to thank u for jinxing tank almost fricken overflowed...i hit the button ony timer accidnetly and when i turned my thing back on for some reason my siphon didnt start back up and my tank all but just coincidental..neway ill hit ya up tommorrow i cant wait to see ur tank again....
Do you think it's possible that a piece of nori clogged one of the
u-tubes? I checked the filter socks, and that's all that was in there. I don't know, just reaching...
It's possible that a decent sized piece of nori in the top or back section of a u-tube could slow things down and allow air bubbles to build up enough to complete stop one u-tube.

My gf and I were sitting in my "fish room" in my new apartment a couple days ago when we heard a loud crack. Turned around and the tank I was keeping my frog fish in had a huge crack down the middle of it with water pouring out through it. I have no clue what caused this, but I know what you mean, by being lucky you were near by. If I hadn't been right there I wouldn't have been able to grab my frog fish before he collapsed under his own weight out of water.

Yeah, lucky is right. Is that the same fish that had the creepy isopod living in it? That was one of the grossest (<--word?) things i've seen in a while...


I forgot to see if you wanted those supplements. PM me this week, and I'll call you.
oh its cool man...u give me so much crap i dont think i have ever left ur house empty handed...but neither of my clowns nor mywrasse have even looked at the if they dont eat it by tommorrow ill bring back the will only go to waste here but um this week is a short week for me so next week ill stop by and check out the supplements..well maybe lol im taking my car to the shop so maybe me and my buddy will b by
Yeah same fish. Doing well all things considered. I don't think I am feeding it the healthiest diet ever(only silver sides) and I'm kinda worried about it, but too poor to buy whats really good for it(aquacultured live marine shrimp) and it refuses to eat anything else.

I didn't think the wrasse would look at it, but my maroon eats it on occasion. No biggie, just toss the rest.
At least you’re just feeding little fish. I feed my French Angel Nori sometimes. He is still colored mostly like a Juvenile, but he is growing and so is his appetite. He can down a half a sheet of nori in a couple of seconds.

I wouldn't ever completely give up on feeding anything particular. Many animals seem to almost get into moods and feed on different things at different times.(May be their bodies telling them what they do or do not need) Also many of the fish we keep will feed on different types of foods depending on their age. Some fish even switch between being carnivores and herbivores.