The Artistry of Just Dave


New member
Since I can't help bringing home nearly every pretty SPS frag I encounter, I quickly ran out of room in my year-old 120 gallon tank. Everyone told me to go bigger, but nooo..., I thought a 180 would be too much. In any case, since I had more frags than space, Just Dave made this nice rock that attaches to the back glass with a magnet, giving me the extra space I need. He even textured the epoxy so when it encrusts with a bit of coralline algae it'll look completely natural. He even mounted the frags for me. Thanks Dave.


And since my tank is one year old this month, I thought I'd post some pics. (Yes, I know. It's like those folks who trap you into looking at an album full of grandkids pics, but I won't keep you long.)

Here's the tank at startup in May 2007.


Here it is now. Notice how the turquoise stag, the blue tort, and the yongi (Bali slimer) have really taken off.


Here are two closer shots.



Ramiro, if you have any questions or need any advice, please feel free to call and make an appointment.
the growth is awesome Steve!!! you know if you don't go bigger, you'll soon be fragging.... :)
what impresses me is that you "left things alone". from the start up pic to the recent pic, you can see the frags are in their original place, not moved around...
i can't keep my hands out of the tank long enough for anything to "get happy".

what fish do you have in there now?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12618602#post12618602 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by cateyes
what fish do you have in there now?

Well just like pretty SPS I have a hard time limiting myself on pretty fishies. I have to exercise restraint to prevent overstocking.

I have:

Pyle's fairy wrasse
Orangeback fairy wrasse
Yellowsides fairy wrasse
Lubbock's fairy wrasse
Exquisite fairy wrasse (my wife won't let me buy any more fairy wrasses now)
Yellow Coris wrasse
Potter's leopard wrasse (I have a sandbox for the Coris and Potter's)
Sunrise dottyback
Mandarin dragonet
Regal tang
Pyramid butterfly
Purple firefish
Possum wrasse
and a Panda goby that lives in the Pocillopora.
(there may be a Steinitz's watchman goby in there too)

I also have three Tridacna maximas and a Tridacna crocea.

It seems like a lot, but the system seems to be working fine.
Doc I am really impressed with your coral growth and colors. I hope I can get some of mine to take off like yours.

Just Dave is truly an artist!! He has a vision on placing things in an aquarium and getting it set just so where things blend in very nicely. If you really "look" at his displays and rockwork that he does it really shows what a gifted person he is in that way. He is one that can "see the forrest for the trees".

Some set up nice displays and all ,but his display tank and the smaller displays he sets up truly "work" well togather and are a visual treat. But for goodness sakes do not tell him that. Unless you also tell him that he can be a real first rate smart XXX sometimes. :>) But then again I can as well.
Wow!! It looks like some of those colorful SPS need to be fragged!! Let me know when you need to make a little more room in your tank!! LOL
PS. Your tank is really impressive!
Having seen the tank in person ( I am occasionally allowed over but always under constant canine scrutiny ) the pictures don't even come close do doing it justice. The colors are richer and more vibrant in person. It's either the secret sauce or Murphy "juice" that is responsible or maybe there is some synergistic effect from the two. Prior to those pictures taken today two large Acropora colonies and one large colony sized piece of Montipora were removed , so it was even fuller/ denser prior to the photos.

Thank for the comps. guys.

Ramiro, If you'd fulfill your team obligations maybe Steve wouldn't feel the need to lash out.:D


any when again was this that your going to have the meeting at your house so we all can steel oops see your tanks.
Re: tank

Re: tank

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12625111#post12625111 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Del123
any when again was this that your going to have the meeting at your house so we all can steel oops see your tanks.

It looks like it'll be next year since all the meetings for 2007 are spoken for.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12626693#post12626693 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefdiver77
How can we nominate this for RC Tank of the Month?? I am serious!!

Thanks, but I'm really not in that league. Besides, I just like to keep a low profile.
lookin' good Peachy!

Since your voodoo juice is making your coral grow so well, how much weight can that magnet shelf may need to upsize it soon!

We all would be lucky to have such a nice setup.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12641194#post12641194 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by acro-wrasse
lookin' good Peachy!

Since your voodoo juice is making your coral grow so well, how much weight can that magnet shelf may need to upsize it soon!

We all would be lucky to have such a nice setup.

Rumor has it you're going to have a reef up and running soon...the best in West Virginnie!