The Battle Continues!


Premium Member
I've been fighting this algae in my tank for the past few months. I was so bad at one point I gave my hammer coral to Frank because algae was starting to grow on it. All my tank parameters are good, but I was having some temperature problems for a while. I've picked as much as possible and vacuumed it all out, got my tank temp down, reinforced my cleanup crew and the stuff is still growing like there's no tomorrow.

I got a few Lawn Mower Blennies today as my last line of defense. I'm hoping to see some positive results in the near future. I also got a blenny looking guy. I'll have to take a picture of him for positive identification. More colorful, more fins (first on is on his head) and slender. I'm thinking it might be some type of Dragonet.

Just thought I would wine about my troubles:(
tang. he ate it all and continues to keep my tank completly clear of any algae. Thanks Jason :)

btw mike, you should be able to put one of these in the next tank ;)
I certainly wouldn't mind taking some of your zoos if you were worried hair algae would overcome them. :D

Here's the guy that's not a Lawn Mower Blenny. I think it's some kind of Dragonet, but I'm not sure.

He's kind of cute in a real ugly sort of way!




What is he?
were they caught or baught? I think the third one may be a goby, but I'd still lean towards blenny. Take a look at, they're a great reference for identification.

When he's done with your tank, send him over to mine. It is looking kinda nasty in there right now. Gotta love summer. A great looking tank goes south real fast.
I tried to find some at the local fish shops, but they only had one Bicolor Blenny and he didn't look so hot. I borrowed two Lawn Mower Blennies and that Gobi/Blenny dud from the local tide pool. They'll be going back after the clean up. I don't like them sitting on my zoos all the time!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8298316#post8298316 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dastank
I tried to find some at the local fish shops, but they only had one Bicolor Blenny and he didn't look so hot. I borrowed two Lawn Mower Blennies and that Gobi/Blenny dud from the local tide pool. They'll be going back after the clean up. I don't like them sitting on my zoos all the time!

I'll take him when your done with him!! I had one before but he disappeared a while back.

man, you dont have an algae problem.. my whole tank is brown and the algae grows back within a few hours after blowing it off the rocks and sand.. :(
They seem to be... I don't see them eating the thick parts, but there always chewing on the rocks and my tank is looking better. It's hard to tell after only a few days.