The COMAS Leadership Team, 2011


RC Sponsor
Team RC
Hi all,

AS most of you know we held the officer elections this last meeting.
I wanted to make the make the nominations formal by posting them here and letting everyone know who the team members are for the current year.

The Club Officers are:

COMAS Treasurer.
Tonya Donson.
Screen name on RC is mtiknoles. I am really pleased that Tonya has volunteered for this role, for anyone who has attendsed CRASE over the last 4 years she will be a familiar face since she has looked after much of the finacial side of that event. Tonya owns a 180g Reef, the progression of which can be seen in this <A HREF="">thread</A>

COMAS Secretary
Edward Brookshire.
Screen name on RC is EddybabyHD. Over the last few years Ed has played an instrumental role of Educational Officer for COMAS and has organized COMAS frag swaps and demos as well as demo-ing the making of your own live rock. As secretary, Ed will be taking care of the COMAS newsletter and acting as liaison between the LT and the Membership. If you have anything you feel should be in the newsletter, please contact Ed.
Ed maintains a 340g Reef, the progression of which can be viewed <A href="">here</a>

COMAS Vice President
Stephanie Kohl.
Screen name on RC Mskohl. Im sure everyone knows Stephanie and the role she has played as club treasurer for the last 6 or 7 years. During her tenure as club officer COMAS grew from a small group of 15 or so people to encompass several hundred members. In that time she has developed the club finances, began non-profit filing of COMAS and generally helped cope with the chaos of CRASE and general meetings. In this role she has been exceptional and I am especially pleased to see her get the recognition she deserves as the club VP. Im sure she will bring to this new office the enthusiasm she has always shown. Stephanie has a 225g at home and also looks after a 75g at her husbands office. Details on the 225g can be seen <a href="">here </a>

COMAS President
Paul Whitby
. Im sure the majority of the club knows me, and if not I'm the really loud guy shouting at meetings. I have been President of COMAS for most of the last 10 years and my focus is still the same. To make COMAS and the forums as educational and user friendly as possible. To my mind, and that of the elected LT, we are here to serve you, the membership. We are here to answer your questions and ensure the framework exists to provide both value and friendship within the club. I own a 600g tank at my home which can be viewed <a href= "">here. </A>

In addition to the Elected Club Officials COMAS is also fortunate to have several other Leadership team members who are here to serve the club members.

As Frag Program Director we have Lynn, screen name Lytehouse. Lynn has done an excellent job running the frag program and he has kindly agreed to continue into the new year.

Educational Director is being carried on by Ed Brookshire, and Educational programs will be worked on by the entire LT.

Membership Director sees a new face to the LT, but not to COMAS. Denise Brookshire will be taking over as the Membership Director and will be responsible for keeping track of members details, ensuring membership cards are made and available and signing new members up at meetings.

Social Directors for 2011 are Mike (Mikencarol) and Lauren (lauremf2002). The main responsibilities for Mike and Lauren are organizing several social style meetings throughout the year. Dare we say RoadTrip!!!
The Equipment, Web and Library Directors are pending.

All in all- a great team, and one I am very happy to be working with in 2011.
COMAS is a great club and i really see 2011 being a great time for us all. We have already begun planning the events of the year and its shaping up nicely. AS I have said above, and will keep repeating, we are here for you, and to help as best we can. Please feel free to approach us at meetings should ever need help or advice.

Finally, I want to once again thank the officers of 2010 for their hard work on behalf of the club.


Congratulations to all!
I look forward to the upcoming year - meeting new people, making new friends, and learning more about this hobby I just can't seem to stay away from.
Sounds like a very strong team for the year. Can't wait to see what is in store. I would have volunteered for a role but I have some other projects on the front burner at the moment the I know may interfere once and awhile so I elected to hold off this year. That being said, if you all ever need any help anywhere give me a shout and as long as I am available I would more than be willing to help out any time. Thanks!
Hooray COMAS! :)

Looking forward to another great year with the Oklahoma reefing community. If anyone needs a helping hand with anything, please let me know. As some of you know, my job doesn't permit me to make most COMAS meetings, but it doesn't matter. There are so many helpful people in the community with valuable experience and insight and their efforts should not be taken for granted. Congratulations Ed, Lynn, Paul, Tonya, Lauren, Mike, Denise, Stephanie, and the countless volunteers that put their hard work into COMAS.

TEAM 2011!