The final word on Southdown (Oldcastle)


I just wanted to pass the "official" word that Oldcastle (who bought out Southdown) did in fact stop bagging the stuff about 2 years ago. They lost their supplier.

They currently have NO non-silica based sand that they bag!

If you find the stuff at your local HD, please let me know. I want to stock up on some of this since I want to put a DSB in the sump of my next tank. Since many places stockpile pallets this could be the last season to see it..and get it before people start building patios! :)

..and if you're wondering about my sources...I called the friggin' company and talked to 2 separate people. :(

Oh well. Buy it up people!!!

Home Depot & Lowes in Lancaster both had a couple pallets of it about 3 months ago stuffed in a back corner of their garden center.
We have some in our basement that we actually tried to get rid of at a previous swap because we don't think we'll need it anymore. There's one unopened bag and one opened bag that is almost completely full. I'll relist them for this swap on fragswapper. You can have first dibs if you want since you're looking for the stuff.
I'll take the un-opened one if I don't find a place around here. You should really hold on to it if you use won't be able to get it anymore... Unless you really don't think you'll ever have a use for it.

Yeah, I don't see any reason I'd ever use it. We got it to build our own rocks and then we bought rocks from someone going out of the hobby. So, right now I have a lot of rock and bags of sand just sitting in my basement that I'm not going to use. I was actually thinking of just dumping it in my nephew's sand box but I thought reefers would probably be heard screaming from miles away if I did that. :D
I gave some away 2 years ago to my brother-in-law and used some on my patio last spring thinking...ah hell...I can always get more. :)

So the reefkeepers will be mad at you least I wouldn't be alone then :) I did list them on fragswapper in case anyone is interested before I give them to the little guy to play in with his tractors. That way I can at least say I tried, right?
I just hate to have things lying around. I'm a bit of a neat freak. I'm just not much of a "saver."