The fish of my dreams


New member
Well, I finally went and done it... I got the fish of my dreams. I went out fidhing yesterday and it was a beautiful day for fishing. But a bad day for catching. Not many fish were caught and those that we did get were small. At 3 the captain said bring it up were are done. So I spent a about 30 minutes cleaning the blood off the boat and went to the back. One guy was trying to troll but the boat was going to fast. I ask my wife's uncle if the captain would let me troll. He asked and captain said what are you using? I showed him my rig and lure. He said ok and I threw out. We were in the heart of some great Mahi Mahi fishing areas so I thought Maybe I would get one or two to make up for the bad day of fishing... Boy was I ever wrong. 45 minutes after I started, the reel went screaming and I though oh cool I got a mahi... until my wife's uncle said you got a marlin. It jumped 3 times but I never saw it because I was trying to get the rod under control and hold on. I asked the wife's uncle to grab my belt and harness and strap me up so when he finally did, I had 2nd degree burns on my arm from the reel getting so hot. I then asked for water to cool the reel down. Anyway, long story short, It took me 30 minutes to bring in around a 200 lbs, 7.5 ft blue marlin. What a rush!!! I have been dreaming about this day for a while and finally I de-virginized my new rod and new lure with a great catch. I can't wait to do this again!



Show us the burns!!!

Did you get that 'painted sheet' like they have in the Marina office?

I suggest getting the painted sheet of your arm too!

Couldn't do the painted sheet since we couln't get the thing off the crane. Also, didn't feel like lugging 200# of fish around so I told everyone on the boat to have at it. I did manage to bring home the bill and tail..they are outside drying so hopfully I can mount them but not too sure about the tail. I don't know if I can preserve it or not. I brought a couple chunks home and some Mahi but gave all the marlin away since my freezer is too small... Time to upgrade to an industrial size freezer for the next time. The burn is not really a big deal..It's kinda small about the size of a nickel but made me realize that I really need to wet the reel down more often next time. That and I need to make sure I put my beer down in a safe location... never did figure out where it went.
nice pictures! I'm amazed that you managed to pull it up. Makes me kind of want to go on a fishing trip. (Haven't been on one since I was like 10.)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8027877#post8027877 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jeffb3t
Couldn't do the painted sheet since we couln't get the thing off the crane. Also, didn't feel like lugging 200# of fish around so I told everyone on the boat to have at it. I did manage to bring home the bill and tail..they are outside drying so hopfully I can mount them but not too sure about the tail. I don't know if I can preserve it or not. I brought a couple chunks home and some Mahi but gave all the marlin away since my freezer is too small... Time to upgrade to an industrial size freezer for the next time. The burn is not really a big deal..It's kinda small about the size of a nickel but made me realize that I really need to wet the reel down more often next time. That and I need to make sure I put my beer down in a safe location... never did figure out where it went.

Some say the foam insulators keep the brews cold, I say they help them float so you can turn around and retrieve the soldiers that have fallen overboard!
released it. you must have never fished before and you would hate to see my
my dad and brother took home 35 bluegill over the weekend. my brother at one time had the state record for racoon, my uncle always has elk in his freezer, my cousin is avid walleye fisher, also has his own lour (sp) yeah. release it.

Jeff, I will be over tommorow. I will take care of the beer...I need some fresh fish. Maybe your wife could show Lindsay how to cook some fish. im not gonna be able to come as early as I wanted, but we will still be there.
I am an avid fisherman, both inshore and offshore. Just my opinion that billfish should always be released. I'll leave it at that.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8028223#post8028223 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gliebig
I am an avid fisherman, both inshore and offshore. Just my opinion that billfish should always be released. I'll leave it at that.

Had I been in the states, I would have released it since we americans are so wasteful. On the other hand, nothing on this fish was wasted. And when I say nothing is wasted, even the guts are eaten so I don't feel bad about keeping it. My wife's family lives on an island where fishing is the way of life so something like this is special and is shared throughout the community.
Since were talking about release or no release I thought I would chime in. First off, nice fish Jeff. There is nothing like your first marlin. As a person who has been fishing and catching marlin for over 20 years, I always feel the most important thing is that it's never wasted. In San Diego I've seen people throw the whole fish away after they catch it, really sad. Historically I've kept some to eat and released most, but the fish we kept were never wasted. I agree with conservation and preservation and I always keep that in mind, do I really need this fish, or do I have enough. I'm glad to know it was enjoyed by many and not wasted. Further more, Blue Marlin is really good to eat! My favorite!

What you really should have been more careful about was that beer, I always finish mine, never wasted!
Yeah, I am really disappointed about that beer. From now on, I will always put it in a safe location and will always keep the fish if it will be used...(and it will if I call grandma...she will call every one!) The fish here are always used for friends and family so they are never wasted. Each bill will be hung on the wall for memories of what mother earth has given us all.
Some people don't like it, but the blue is the best eating and I think it's great stuff! Hard to light, but good smoked too!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8034684#post8034684 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fdokinawa
give me a call next time.. would have loved to try some marlin... never had it before.

Your talking about catching right... jk. next time I will bring some for you guys too...just have to get a bigger cooler box.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8034489#post8034489 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dastank
I always feel the most important thing is that it's never wasted. In San Diego I've seen people throw the whole fish away after they catch it, really sad. Historically I've kept some to eat and released most, but the fish we kept were never wasted.

I agree with you about not wasting the fish.
I myself have never heard of anyone eating the guts or the eyeballs until last night at Jeff's. If I keep fish, its for the fillet.

Jeff said his Marlin was still on the lour when they started eating it. :smokin: :p