The Fish Room 500

[Almost] Back to the Living

[Almost] Back to the Living


Thank you for your undying patience with the SIGNIFICANT gap since my last contributions to this thread.

As I mentioned a while back, I committed to my wife that I would get this tank up and running in early August so I could spend the last two month of her pregnancy focused on -- you guessed it -- HER.

I'm absolutely proud to report that I succeeded in meeting that timeline, and am now the parent of a healthy, happy baby girl -- Elise Nicole. She was born at 3:03 AM on 9/30. 7# 7 oz. 20 1/2" long... Here's a picture of our future Dive Instructor at about a week old. . . :)


So, with the baby creeping up on a month, I was able to sneek in some time during the rains week before last to get my four 250W DE pendants hung. Man, they are beautiful. They have given a killer amount of POP to all of the acros in the tank. Unfortunately, I didn't have a choice put to hang the pendants because rain was coming and I had to cover the skylight (umm, yeah, some matter of taring the roof around the flashing still needs tending to . . .)

Here's a shot of the tank, after the rains had stopped, with just the MH running. I am running a 10000K and a 20000K over each half of the tank. Not a lot of wattage, I know, but it is for spectrum, not intensity... at least in this iteration of my science experiment.


This shot is taken with exactly the same exposure settings on my camera as the previous shot. Obviously, the cover over the skylight has come off!!! It is just unreal how much light my reflectors are bouncing down into the tank... and, as predicted, the reflectors have virtually eliminated any "dead spots" from the pendants hanging over the tank.


Sorry this is just a quick tease... I'll give a more detailed report on my science project [err, tank] in the next few days.

Thanks again for all the support everyone.

Beautiful baby! All the best to you, your wife and baby!
Thanks for taking the time to up date us on the baby and the tank!

All the best to you.
Congratulations! For me it is funny how important my tank is yet it means NOTHING when compared to my kids. Nothing better than being a father.

Very pretty girl... Congratulations!!!

I am amazed by the difference in the with and without sunlight pictures. Everything looks sooooo real with natural light. I really envy you.
Beautiful baby girl and tank!:D I wish we received enough sunlight up here in the north to try to use natural sunlight.
Priortity number 1 is beautiful! Is she certified yet? ;-) I'm sure you'll have her in swimming lessons soon? One of my closest friends owns the Daland Swim School out in Simi Valley. Their daughter could swim across the pool at the age of one. Practically a fish (so is my two year old). Very important to get them wet early. LMK if you want info on them.

Priority number 2 looks great, too. Can't wait to see more pictures. Man - but take the advice of a new father - just block a month and GET THE TANK DONE. Bit & piece projects don't work, they never get done.

Gotta run, my priority number 1 is calling ...
this thread is fantastic, ive learned so much reading through it!!! i absolutly love the idea of using the natural sunlight, your tank really looks amazing with it, it is so natural looking. also, whats the story with the surge tank, or did i miss the discussion on buliding that??

cant wait to see more... and congratulations on your beautiful baby girl!
Its funny in a way that people suplement halides with VHO's or some other flourescent. Your supplement is halides...very nice. Congrats on the kid.

Nice tank BTW
I just read 16 pages of this thread, man this is amazing. Congrats on your new bundle of joy, they are the best in this life. When can we get an update on that beast of a tank?