I don't mind sharing what I've expended, but I'm not going to break it down by component because that would be unfair to the folks who cut me good deals. All told I have approx $13,000 into the system. I've done lots of stuff DIY, but have spent good money on the things that matter (tank, pumps, AquaLogic heat pump, etc.) I also have $2,500 into the "fish shed" from Lowes. That is a different "color of money" than gear though in my mind. So, roughly $16K without livestock, utilities, labor [LOL] etc.
Honestly, I don't consider that to be too outrageous for the quality of system I've put together. Anyone on the board wants to disagree, go ahead, but I'm stoked with what I got done on this system for the money...
OK, so I have a bomb-shell I've been waiting to drop until it truly sank in on this end . . . . . . . . as of last week I'm in the process of selling my house and moving out of state. In fact, we're already in escrow.
I never thought I'd be "THAT GUY," but I'm packing up the family and heading to Colorado! I know, I know, "how can I stand up a system like this and then walk away?" Well, let me say up front that the move has NOTHING to do with the cost of the tank!

[And, I *do* have a buyer who wants to maintain the tank through my buddy's service "Got Fish"] But, the move does have to do with the rising cost of living in So Cal. I do have the option of taking the tank with me, and I'm considering that carefully. I should have quotes on the cost of that back from Allied and Viking tomorrow . . .
More importantly, I've been tapped for a promotion at work, and I'm going to be traveling nation-wide once it's official. Most of that travel will be to D.C., and I really hate red-eyes. So, to get back 15-20 nights at home yearly I am changing time zones.
As the move gets closer I'll let folks know the disposition of my live stock. There isn't a ton of stuff, but I'd be stoked to have my Acros in good hands...
When I get to CO I'll start scheming, err, planning, a new system. I haven't put an offer in on a house yet, so I have to admit I'm looking for one with a partially unfinished basement . . . Ahh, it would be nice to build a custom room *in* the house this round . . .
I hope all is well with everyone on this board/thread.