The Fish Room 500

Well, I'm making slow but steady progress. The skylight is now sealed, and my wife is much happier with me for that. The weekend saw major progress on the tank. We spent twleve hours working on the stand and canopy, and we're almost home on that part of the project. This shot is early morning light (8:00 AM,) so not much is coming in through the skylight, but it still looks killer up close.


I've got the doors hung on the side facing the french doors, and one set of handles it squared away. The other handles will go up today, and the other set of doors will probably get popped on next weekend (we're out of town for a couple of days for Turkey Day.) For price/performance I chose birch ply for my surfaces. I'm going to install trim in a couple of weeks, so all of the corners/edges will look nicely finished.

A huge thanks goes out to James at Envision Acrylics... your new scrapers rock my friend. Speaking of which . . . I'll take more pics of the tank, the baby with the tank, etc after I clean the tank next. I had it on my schedule for today, but the wife has other plans for my afternoon...

I'm looking at 12/1 for a major livestock run, so I'd imagine a large batch of pics will follow thereafter.

Thanks all for your support and salutations!!!

More pics coming... in a few days.

More pics coming... in a few days.

OK, the livestock run got postponed until Tuesday... work called, and since that's what pays the bills, I answered.

I'll post pics with all the new goods in there.

Hi Sean,

I have been following this thread since it's inception. That is one amazing tank you have put together. I am looking to build a new house in the next year or two and I also plan to incoorperate skylights into my aquariumsthe design. When you post again can you show some pics with the pendant MH's? I was just curious to see how you attached them inside your hood/skylight shaft. Do you get any shadows from the pendants hanging in there?

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Hello, Hello

Hello, Hello

Pics, finally... not that I'd cleaned 100% of the tank when I took these shots (for those who are curious, it's about a two-hour effort when I let a side get caked with coralline... when I carve out time weekly, it only takes about 30 min...) If you look out the windows you can see I took these shots after dark, under halides only.


Below is a nice "fish eye view" of the tank that runs through the center of the tank. The many of you who have been with me for a while on this thread will probably remember that I wanted to keep this tank light on the rock -- if you can call 600# "light" on rock. The result, in person at least, is pretty dramatic. Pics don't do it justice.


Here is a picture of the "back reef," the larger of the two mounds in the tank. I've started the process of covering it with Acros, all of which, I am happy to report, are HAIRY and fully extended a week after acclimation.


And, here's one of the little devils I picked up... a nice cream colored stag with baby blue tips. I really hope this puppy keeps it's color . . . It's gorgeous in person.


Well, gotta run and do some baby duty. Thanks all for your comments, encouragement, and patience.

Scott, I'll try to get some shots of the inside of the hood. No shadow or dead spot issues thus far!!!

beautiful tank, ive been followin the whole time, just not many posts heh, i love how you put that "light on the rock with only 600 lbs" i have 150 in my 90 and its full to the brim lol, i wonder how 600 would look :D great job on the tank, keep up the great work!!
i fyou dont mind me asking, or if you have already posted this im sry, but how much did this whole set-up run you minus the livestock? (no LR, LS, fish corals ect ect) thanks alot
-kyle kaz

I don't mind sharing what I've expended, but I'm not going to break it down by component because that would be unfair to the folks who cut me good deals. All told I have approx $13,000 into the system. I've done lots of stuff DIY, but have spent good money on the things that matter (tank, pumps, AquaLogic heat pump, etc.) I also have $2,500 into the "fish shed" from Lowes. That is a different "color of money" than gear though in my mind. So, roughly $16K without livestock, utilities, labor [LOL] etc.

Honestly, I don't consider that to be too outrageous for the quality of system I've put together. Anyone on the board wants to disagree, go ahead, but I'm stoked with what I got done on this system for the money...

OK, so I have a bomb-shell I've been waiting to drop until it truly sank in on this end . . . . . . . . as of last week I'm in the process of selling my house and moving out of state. In fact, we're already in escrow.

I never thought I'd be "THAT GUY," but I'm packing up the family and heading to Colorado! I know, I know, "how can I stand up a system like this and then walk away?" Well, let me say up front that the move has NOTHING to do with the cost of the tank! ;) [And, I *do* have a buyer who wants to maintain the tank through my buddy's service "Got Fish"] But, the move does have to do with the rising cost of living in So Cal. I do have the option of taking the tank with me, and I'm considering that carefully. I should have quotes on the cost of that back from Allied and Viking tomorrow . . .

More importantly, I've been tapped for a promotion at work, and I'm going to be traveling nation-wide once it's official. Most of that travel will be to D.C., and I really hate red-eyes. So, to get back 15-20 nights at home yearly I am changing time zones.

As the move gets closer I'll let folks know the disposition of my live stock. There isn't a ton of stuff, but I'd be stoked to have my Acros in good hands...

When I get to CO I'll start scheming, err, planning, a new system. I haven't put an offer in on a house yet, so I have to admit I'm looking for one with a partially unfinished basement . . . Ahh, it would be nice to build a custom room *in* the house this round . . .

I hope all is well with everyone on this board/thread.

Sean -

I've been following your thread from the beginning just haven't had much to add, until now. It is looking great and it is really too bad that you have to leave it now. But, you stated very good reasons for moving and I wish you all the best of luck and congratulations on the promotion.

I'm sure you'll find the perfect house in CO for the family and your new and even bigger tank.


Was your system set up long enough to see any benefit/detriment to the natural lighting?

Anything you would do differently?

I don't know what to say. I was trying to think of something clever about the way this is obviously going to end but nothing seems appropriate. This has got to be a little hard for you, I mean after putting in all that effort on design and the installation.

I think it's terrible that this is happening to you but it's not like CO is a terrible place to live. It sounds like this is a very good promotion for you. You've got the start of a beautiful family. What more could you ask for? Gorgeous girl there BTW - you all sleeping through the night yet? I've been there, twice. :D It's just too bad about leaving the tank setup. And I don't know why. I wouldn't know you from Adam, and you could easily do it again. But your deal has had some affect on me too (below). And this is obviously a much better deal for you. I know my aunt and uncle used to live in Corona del Mar and moved back to KS for the same reasons - cost of living. It was a big improvement for them.

I am setting up a little larger tank and am new to Reef tanks. Just getting started with the planning now, will be procuring stuff this next year and starting to set it up about a year or so from now. Going to use a more natural filtration method but other than that very much of your setup is eerily a lot like what I had sort of envisioned (rough proportions, visible from 3 sides, somewhat similar rock layout). Also, I have had some tell me I ought to look into natural lighting. I am terrible at searching and was only able to find threads or info that merely had my search terms in them, but no in-depth information. Then I found your thread.

Instead of the solar tube thing you opened the whole roof up. You also had creative solutions to many things I was still struggling with, at least a little if not a lot. The structure of the stand, H2OENG had recommended Oceans Motions the same evening I found your thread (the sequence shots were very nice), the surge setup, heat pump for chiller/heater, mylar lined skylight . . . There were so many really great ideas and you implemented them so well. I could go on with several more but had better quit before I make this too long.

Great job! It is a great looking tank. And it is obvious that you were on your way to something even better. But mostly I just wanted to thank you for all the info and pictures you took the time to post. It really has been a great help to me. You have no clue how much. Boy I wish you could have run this for a while and posted some results.

Wish you and the family all the best. Hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year. May the transition be as painless as possible.

Thanks again, very much, for all your info.

One final bit of advice:
If this is your first one, always keep the diaper over the important places until you are ready to immediately replace it with another one, then do the change as quickly as you can. Just remember ol' I.P. Freely. If it happens anyway (and it probably will), try to not react in any way at all or she will think you think it's fun and try to do it every time she can just to please you. :) Or maybe it's just boys who do that. Aren't kids fun?? But what would life be like without them? :lol: