The Frogfish Files

Not really much of a point and it might be more of a detriment than anything, as any sort of treatment would be stressful. Since frogfish aren't suitable for community setups there wouldn't be much of a concern of transmitting disease to other occupants (as they shouldn't be any).
I was more or less wondering about internal parasites since we don't know enough about S.A.D.S yet thinking this fish would have them since its a pretty swimless fish and stays close to the bottom
After this many years, I say no =)

This thread is the best info on frogs! Period. I mean its basically 5 years of research, and the fact that it is as old as it is, it deserves a sticky? This thread gets lost so quick in the reef, if not move it stick it?
I just picked up a small frogfish last weekend. Currently in a 40b with a small hob filter and live rock. Plans shortly to add some sand (not sure of the color yet, opinions taken), 20 long sump, and skimmer. Currently lights are aquaticlife 4 bulb. Currently I am just running the actinics as the frog hides when the bright lights come on.
I was thinking of feeding M,W,F and current food is ghost shrimp. Currently just one each night, but should I feed more?




Guessing it is a painted too.
haha thats why i snapped the picture! Mushu was stepping all over bowsers face and he just sat there LOL.

I just picked up a small frogfish last weekend. Currently in a 40b with a small hob filter and live rock. Plans shortly to add some sand (not sure of the color yet, opinions taken), 20 long sump, and skimmer. Currently lights are aquaticlife 4 bulb. Currently I am just running the actinics as the frog hides when the bright lights come on.
I was thinking of feeding M,W,F and current food is ghost shrimp. Currently just one each night, but should I feed more?




Guessing it is a painted too.

it looks like A. pictus to me. I would feed 1 ghost shrimp every 3 days. and make sure it is a small ghost shrimp. I was feeding way too much and almost killed one of my froggies, his tummy was bloated and he was swimming funny i had to burp him! He has been on a strict feeding schedule ever since (i have had him over 7 months now). Its so easy to over feed them!

I have had my two froggies together for 6 months now and have had no issues so far, but you never know its always a risk.
melbell86 in this thread has had them going for 6 months now


melbell - I'd be cautious with mixing any Lohpiocharon. We had one eat a larger Rhinopias with no ill affects. My female Lophiocharon would often lunge at her mate, once had him by the tail. He would have been dinner if I didn't intervene. Oftentimes, the females will try and eat their partners after mating.

Frogfish can be kept together but one has to be very attentive. Regular feeding and enough space helps but also paying attention to their behavior is important. These guys are so expensive, it is a shame when one decides to dine in;)
Thanks melbell. The froggy send to be doing good. One shrimp m, w, f is all he gets and seems to be doing good on that. I try my best to get the smaller ones, even asking for them at the lfs that way.

In a tank all by themselves with rock only, how much flow would be enough but not to much? Knave a k3 or a evo 1400 I could put in. Starting to get a bit of cyano I would like to get rid of.
melbell - I'd be cautious with mixing any Lohpiocharon. We had one eat a larger Rhinopias with no ill affects. My female Lophiocharon would often lunge at her mate, once had him by the tail. He would have been dinner if I didn't intervene. Oftentimes, the females will try and eat their partners after mating.

Frogfish can be kept together but one has to be very attentive. Regular feeding and enough space helps but also paying attention to their behavior is important. These guys are so expensive, it is a shame when one decides to dine in;)

thanks for the advice! I know that my lophio is more aggressive with his feeding and in general so I always keep a close eye on him. Funny thing is, I ordered an A. species from live aquaria and he showed up in the bag!! Its pretty nice the way my rockwork is set up because they each have their own "spot" but occassionally i find them hanging out together.
Thanks for the feedback guys. Here is my newest addition! I am lucky enough to work at a LFS and when the wholesaler labeled it TINY they meant it! I'm going to be feeding him live mysis which won't be here until next week. I do breed clownfish though, so I'm sure I can sacrifice a few. Any other feeding suggestions until he's big enough for ghost shrimp? He's going to be living in my net breeder until I set up his nano. I feel so silly for setting up a 30 gallon for such a small fish LOL. But he'll grow into it eventually.