After this many years, I say no =)
Has anybody kept 2 in the same tank long term? I would love to have a pair....
I just picked up a small frogfish last weekend. Currently in a 40b with a small hob filter and live rock. Plans shortly to add some sand (not sure of the color yet, opinions taken), 20 long sump, and skimmer. Currently lights are aquaticlife 4 bulb. Currently I am just running the actinics as the frog hides when the bright lights come on.
I was thinking of feeding M,W,F and current food is ghost shrimp. Currently just one each night, but should I feed more?
Guessing it is a painted too.
melbell86 in this thread has had them going for 6 months now
melbell - I'd be cautious with mixing any Lohpiocharon. We had one eat a larger Rhinopias with no ill affects. My female Lophiocharon would often lunge at her mate, once had him by the tail. He would have been dinner if I didn't intervene. Oftentimes, the females will try and eat their partners after mating.
Frogfish can be kept together but one has to be very attentive. Regular feeding and enough space helps but also paying attention to their behavior is important. These guys are so expensive, it is a shame when one decides to dine in