The Frogfish Files

Can anyone recommend a good website to by affordable frogfish? The local fish store was trying to sell me one for about $100 that was orange and about the size of a baseball.
I found this thread this morning and now I am done. It is simply great! I have to say that some bits worried me but most of it was just good/great tips on how to handle my new babies. I live in sweden and I have never seen or heard about any LFS or private person having frogfish until last thuesday when there were a ad posted on our swedish forum about three froggies for sale. I had read up on them before and had a RSM130 with just three chromis and a clown in it. It was all or nothing and I think that they are two Antennarius hispidus and one antennarius pardalis. So I have had them for about 24hours now, one of the hispidus has eaten two chromis and the clown whilst the other ones have gone hungry. Tomorrow I am getting a few mollies for the other two.
This thread is awesome! I am now planing on splitting a 40 breeder for two wartskins. does anyone have a picture of how they split there tank or suggestions on what material is best suited to divide the tank?
OK so... I can not get my little pictus to eat. His name is Mr. Pink (will try to get him a picture on here but I suck at it lol) he is 2.75" to 3.25" (way to tricky to measure with water bending the light). His water details are as follows. Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, Ammonia both forms 0, Salinity 1.023-1.025 depending on amount of evaporation when I test, 4"-8" sand bed, 29gal tank that was up a min of 6 months before I purchased him, PH at 8.3, temperature is 73-75.

He has been in the tank a week and a half. He has two pep. shrimp .75" and 1.25". He hunts/stalks them but never attempts to eat. Also tried a few FW ghost shrimp with no luck. Sorry for this next part but I also tried to hold a .75" damsel by the tail in front of him with no luck. I have tried frozen silversides, krill and octo. The frozen food I have tried is what the pet store I purchased him from had him eating. Mr Pink was at the LFS for 5 months before I purchased him and I witnessed him eat sm. damsels as well as the frozen items I previously mentioned.

His appearance seems normal... but I am no expert. He is very active, walking about the tank throughout the day seemingly stalking the pep shrimp. At dusk he will swim a bit but nothing looking like a stressed holy cow I gotta get out of here swim, just swims for a few seconds to the other side then slowly kinda hovers down to the bottom or on top of some macro plant. No apparent gas bubble issues, no Ick, No fuzzy white coating over him, eyes are clear and he moves them to look around all creepy like constantly. When I first got him home while acclimating I noticed his left eye was a bit cloudy but it cleared up within an hour of him being placed into his home.

I hope I am over reacting but as active as he is I think a 2 week break in meals is a tad bit extreme. If any one knows what I should try please tell me. Anything that may help me out either with my own mental distress (haha) or with Mr. Pinks would be greatly appreciated. I am already very fond of my new buddy and do not like the thought of losing him at all, let alone this early after obtaining him.
I have had one since October, he ate once a week for a month, then, since late October, he has not had one thing to eat, no fish missing, and no food offered will he take (live or dead). I am shocked that he is still alive 3 months later. I saw him moving around the tank last night after lights went out. The poor guy just gets long and I feel bad for him.
When I came home after running a few errands today one of my hispisdus was belly up :( She was well this morning no signs of illness but I have only had her for about two weeks. Guessing she did not survive the magic boundary. :(

Anya, a thing you might try to do is to put a damsel and maybe a live shrimp with him in a smaller container. I had a bit of a problem getting my small one to eat since the food never stayed in one place long enough for him. Since I do not want to move him I simply put a upside down breeding cage over hm with a molly in it at the bottom and leave him there until he sees it and eats.

Same goes for you JustinGr, just put live food in a small confinement on the bottom with him. It is a cheap thing to try.
porslinsdocka: First of all I am sorry to hear of your loss.
Thank you for the brilliant idea. I will give that a try and post the results.
I don't know if there is really a beginners frogfish. The more commonly available animals all take about the same husbandry. I guess that would mean which angler you could afford to lose.

Histrio histrio, the sargassum angler is fairly hardy, a good feeder, and fairly inexpensive. They are best suited one to a tank as their canniballistic tendencies are well known.

Antennatus (Antennarius) nummifer (Spotfin, Coinbearing or whitefingered frogfish) are one of the most common in the trade. They are rather somber in color and markings and are one of the cheaper frogfishes available.

Antennarius pictus and multiocellatus are widely available and only grow to about 4" making them a likely candidate. Wartskins, A. maculatus are commonly offered in the trade but can fetch upwards of several hundreds of dollars... not necessarily one to cut your teeth on.

Stay away from Histiophryne, Antennatus tuberosus, and any of the lesser mentioned genera and species. They are going to be super pricey and don't have a great track record. longevity-wise, in hobbyist aquariums.

In my experience, all froggies need pristine, reef-quality water, moderate current, temps in the 75-77°F (24-25°C) except for the southern Australian anglers, a quality, marine-based diet, and try to keep them one to a tank, no community set-ups.
I am back in the club. I got this 3/4" wart skin in the mail today from Blue Zoo. I am going to heep him in a small refugium that is hanging on my 57 gallon reef tank.

New to thread and bumping it up

New to thread and bumping it up

Hi, I've read most of the thread, set up my tank and purchased my dream frog fish. After having a heart attack that the store clerk had exposed my froggie to air, and learning to save him from this thread, I just wanted to express my thanks and say he's been good for just under two weeks now. Also, I'm bumping this thread up because I hope everyone will come back and we can chat.

I am receiving my brother-in-law's 15g aquarium tomorrow. They are moving tomorrow and don't want the tank at the new house due to painting and repair work. They plan to upgrade on size anyway so free tank for me...yay! Anyhoo, I plan on transferring the fish (a clown and goby) into my other nano. I would like to set the 15g as a frogfish tank. What species of frogfish do you recommend?
Two pictures of my angler... It's 2 centimer/0.8 inch big and lives in my AquaMedic Yasha (27 liter main tank).

I am wondering: Is it wise to add another of about the same size? Friend of my has the same angler but is stopping with his tank.

